Canadian Cyclist


January 4/14 10:12 am - Vintage Bike Swap to be Held January 18th (Ontario)

Posted by Editor on 01/4/14

Given the dreadful weather conditions that most of Canada has been suffering over the past few weeks, it is likely that most of you haven't had a lot of opportunities to do bike-related activities.  Well, for those of you in southern Ontario and the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) why not visit the first ever indoor swap/show to be held by the folks that bring you the Canadian Vintage Bicycle Show.

The Vintage Bike Show is an outdoor event in Brantford, held in June each year [see our coverage of last year's event at Daily News], and now organizer Jamie McGregor has decided to offer a winter event on January 18th.

McGregor says that at the summer show, entering its 13th year, "We have all the keen collectors together to showcase their bikes and displays with everything from 1875-1975, which is now the event to buy or sell. The winter event will be primarily a place to buy and sell, [most] most people can not bring the bulk of their bicycles this time of year.  There will still be lots to see I can assure you."

The winter show will run 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at 100 Market St in Brantford.  General admission is a very reasonable $5, or for $10 you can become a vendor if you have older bike stuff you want to part with.  Either way, it will give cycling enthusiasts a chance to mingle and check out past bike technology.  More information is available at the website - .


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