Canadian Cyclist


March 4/14 15:24 pm - Public Consultation by the SDRCC on the Revision of the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code

Posted by Editoress on 03/4/14

The SDRCC will soon undertake a review process for the Canadian Sport  Dispute Resolution Code (“the Code”), which will be necessary following the entry into force of new anti-doping rules during the next fiscal year. The SDRCC therefore wishes to take this opportunity to conduct a public consultation in order to consider the opinions of its clients and partners in the review of the Code.

The sport and legal communities are invited to provide comments, suggestions and questions  about the  Code,  particularly  regarding  the  provisions  that apply to Ordinary Tribunal cases,  namely Articles 1 to 6 inclusive.

The current version of the Code, in effect since February 1st, 2011, can be found at the following link

If you have any comments, suggestions, and questions about the Code, you may send them to the attention of the Executive Director, Marie-Claude Asselin, via email at address: or by fax at 514-866-1246, before 5 p.m. (EDT) on March 31st, 2014

The SDRCC thanks you for taking the time to participate in the development of its new Code.


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