Canadian Cyclist


March 25/14 11:42 am - OCA Announces Athletes for Rising Stars Camp in Los Angeles

Posted by Editoress on 03/25/14

The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) is proud to unveil the list of 12 Ontario cyclists who have been selected to attend the OCA Rising Stars Track Camp in Los Angeles on March 26th to April 1st.


Nicholas (Nick) J. Wammes - Bothwell, ON

Brayden Scholey - Peterborough, ON

Kevin Wattier - Brampton, ON

Ian Currie - London, ON

Lucas Taylor - London, ON

Graydon Staples - Barrie, ON

Chris Ernst - Kitchener, ON

Gunnar Holmgren - Barrie, ON


Charlotte Cresswicke - Tottenham, ON

Maya Neumann - Newmarket, ON

Farleigh Cresswicke - Totenham, ON

Kassandra Kriarakis  - Totenham, ON


Rob Good - Rising Stars Head Coach

Sean Kelly - Provincial Endurance Development Coach

Lisa Perlmutter

The Rising Stars Program

The "Rising Stars" Endurance Development Academy Program is a track program designed to support athletes that have potential and ambition of making it onto an Olympic podium. The program will focus on track camps and athlete identification, and will reach over 200 athletes in the 2013/14 season, focusing on athletes between the ages of 13 and 16.  Athletes will be identified through talent observation at Regional and National competitions, and via referral through our "Club Excellence Program", conducted through the youth clubs and certified coaches.

The OCA conducted three Try-Outs as well as a testing day and the finale at the 2014 Youth Track Championships in London, Ontario.


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