Canadian Cyclist


March 26/14 11:35 am - UCI President Makes Statement Regarding Cycling in Winter Olympics

Posted by Editoress on 03/26/14

A few weeks ago, we published an in-depth interview with UCI President Brian Cookson [see Daily News -Interview with UCI President Brian Cookson]. During the interview, we asked Mr Cookson about the potential for including cyclo-cross in the Winter Olympics. In his response, the UCI President said that he was open to a complete reevaluation of summer and winter sports, including the possibility of shifting track cycling to the Winter Games.

The UCI has now released a formal statement on this proposal:

UCI President, Brian Cookson, has today called for "a positive and open debate about the future of the Olympic sports programme."

Speaking from UCI HQ in Aigle, Switzerland, Cookson said:

"I think the IOC's Agenda 2020 started by President Thomas Bach is a very healthy development and should encourage real debate about the future of the Olympic sports programme.

"The Summer and Winter Games are a crucial part of the global sporting landscape and vital for all Olympic sports and those who aspire to be a part of the Games. Agenda 2020 provides a welcome platform to stimulate public debate and discussion about what is needed to keep the sports programme fresh and relevant.

"I have offered some thoughts which I hope will contribute to that debate and of course the UCI will be responding formally to the IOC's invitation to International Federations to input into the Agenda 2020 discussion. And as we move forward on concrete proposals we will also be consulting our national federations and stakeholders so that we can fully reflect the thoughts of the cycling community.

"I hope that in cycling we can make the case that there is real merit in not only maintaining but also expanding the cycling programme through potential opportunities in both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

"This is an important time for all Olympic sports. It is encouraging and welcome that this debate is underway and not confined to a behind closed door approach but open to dialogue and creative thinking. It is a debate in which the UCI intends to fully engage."


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