Canadian Cyclist


April 1/14 0:27 am - Paris-Roubaix to be Renamed as Part of Ad Campaign

Posted by Editor on 04/1/14

Paris-Roubaix organizer Amaury Sport Organization (ASO) has sold the naming rights to its race to Specialized Bicycle Components Inc. of Morgan Hill, California. Henceforth, the venerable classic will be known as Specialized-Roubaix.

"After the thing last year with the bike shop in Canada I resolved to be pro-active and I called Bertrand Delanoë (the mayor of Paris) before we announced this," stated Specialized founder and chairman Mike Sinyard.  "He's cool with it so that's a relief."

For it's part, ASO is pleased with this groundbreaking deal and is considering additional relationships pertaining to its other properties.  "The sky is the limit," announced company president Jean-Etienne Amaury.  "Speaking of which, I think I'll give the boys at SKY a call.  I've got an idea for La Flèche Wallone that will be perfect for them.  I'm thinking 'flaming arrow in the sky'!  Do you see?  It will be merveilleux!"


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