Canadian Cyclist


April 17/14 14:35 pm - CCES Consults with Sport Community on 2015 Edition of Canadian Anti-Doping Program

Posted by Editor on 04/17/14

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) is asking sport organizations and sport leaders in Canada to review and comment on the initial Draft 2015 Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) between now and June 1, 2014.

The Canadian sport community is being informed of the new World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code requirements that must be contained in the 2015 CADP and being asked to explore how best to implement the 2015 CADP in Canada.

"The CCES welcomes the new Code," said Paul Melia, President and CEO of the CCES. "It includes changes that will improve our ability to deter and detect doping and will ultimately protect not only the health of our athletes, but also the entire Canadian sport community and the stakeholders who share our passion for clean sport. However, we need to rethink how we deliver the CADP. If Canada is to remain Code-compliant we will need to form a new partnership between sport, government and the CCES."

CADP Symposium May 12-13, 2014
The CCES is hosting a Symposium on May 12th and 13th in Ottawa as an opportunity to gather sport organizations and sport leaders from across the country for a dialogue on the opportunities and challenges facing effective anti-doping in Canada. During the Symposium, the CCES will present details of the initial Draft 2015 CADP, provide further clarification and rationale for the significant revisions, and facilitate group discussions on how best to implement the new CADP.

"While the CCES administers the CADP, it does so on behalf of the Canadian sport community," said Melia. "The CADP belongs to the entire Canadian sport community and should be reflective of how we want to collectively fight doping in sport. We strongly encourage sport organizations to attend and to invite at least one athlete from their sport. Their feedback is critical given they are at the core of the Code."

Over the last two years, extensive consultations have taken place between WADA, International Federations and national anti-doping agencies, including the CCES, regarding many revisions to the Code. The Code was officially ratified and accepted by WADA in November 2013. The main goal of the revised 2015 Code is to strengthen the global fight against doping and protect the integrity of sport. The new Code will come into effect January 1, 2015.

Comments or questions on the draft should be sent to

Further reading:

Anti-Doping Rule Review and Consultation
Canadian Submission to International Anti-Doping Consultation
First Look at 2015 Anti-Doping Rules
Final Phase of 2015 Anti-Doping Rules Review
Deadline Approach for Stakeholder Input on 2015 Anti-Doping Rules


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