Canadian Cyclist


May 10/14 11:54 am - Queen's University Color Awards: Cycling Awarded Club of the Year

Posted by Editoress on 05/10/14

After many years of hard work the Queen's Cycling Team has been awarded the high honour of Club of the Year. This award was presented to the team at the annual "Colour Awards Athletic Banquet." It was a night for all Varsity clubs to get dressed up, enjoy an amazing dinner, and exchange words and awards. The award was given to Queen's Cycling for their continued success (champs 4 years running!) and for their overall growth and development on and off the field over the past few years.

This year's Team MVP award went to graduating student Tori Giangrande for all her hard work over the years and her top notch, all star performances this year on the road and mountain bike circuits, as well as being a great role model and team leader.

The Rookie of the Year award went to Quinn Robertson for his outstanding rookie performance, finishing 2nd overall in Mens B in the University Cup mountain bike series, and the extremely positive attitude and charm he brought to the team.

Brad Parsons was presented with the prestigious Jack Jarvis award which goes to a top graduating male and female student athlete of the year. Brad Parsons received this award for his outstanding performances on Cycling and Nordic Ski teams over his time at Queen's. He was also a fantastic captain for the Nordic Ski team and a great student. His fun character and positive attitude will be greatly missed.

Congratulations to everyone on the team who participated this year. We wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you! Those of you who are returning next year we look forward to the upcoming fall race season. If you are graduating we hope to see you return as alumni and wish you luck with your future endeavors.


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