Canadian Cyclist


June 14/14 0:08 am - Banff Bike Fest Stage 1 results

Posted by Editoress on 06/14/14

Results from the second stage - the Lake Louise Road race, in Banff alberta

Women, 64 km
1 Kinley Gibson (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 1:51:05
2 Leah Guloien (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 4:53
3 Shoshauna Routley (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) s.t.
4 Sara Poidevin (Bicisport) 4:55
5 Liah Harvie (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) 4:56
6 Juliette Wheler (Team Sask)
7 Suzanne Hamilton (Bicisport)
8 Kristine Brynjolfson (Spoke / Soul Sportif)
9 Annalisa Fish (Independent) all s.t.
10 Meghan Grant (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank) 5:02
11 Margie Smith (Independent)
12 Maddy Boutet (TWENTY16)
13 Allison Daniel (Musette Racing)
14 Alison Jackson (Glotman Simpson Cycling) all s.t.
15 Sarah Coney (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 5:06
16 Tessa Pinckston (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 5:14
17 Heather Kay (United Cycle Racing) 5:15
18 Katharine McCarthy (Synergy Racing) 5:18
19 Anna Talman (Juventus) 5:20
20 Allison Beveridge (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 5:22
21 Alexandra O'Dea (Goldcoast Goldstars Cycling Club) 5:26
22 Erin Redl (Glotman Simpson Cycling) 5:34
23 Alysia Withers (Glotman Simpson Cycling) 5:44
24 Marina Aspen (Team Sask) 5:56
25 Stephanie O'Brien (Crave Racing) 10:40
26 Nicole Cripps (Team Sask) 13:10
27 Alana Heise (Terrascape Racing) 21:26
Cat 1/2 Men, 64 km
1 Dylan Davies (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank) 1:32:32 (10)
2 Jure Rupnik (Range Road Racing) at 0:02
3 Warren Muir (Soul Sportif)
4 Joshua Krabbe (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
5 Mackenzie Garvin (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle)
6 Vincent Marcotte (Musette Racing)
7 Sean Crooks (Soul Sportif)
8 Jeff Werner (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
9 Evan Bayer (The Lead Out Project)
10 Robert Hargrove (Range Road Racing)
11 Trev Williams (Speed Theory p/b The Doctrine Training)
12 David Gerth (Musette Racing)
13 Amiel Flett (Range Road Racing)
14 Emile de Rosnay (Musette Racing)
15 Matthew Bennett (Pedalhead Road Works)
16 Darren Anderson (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
17 Kyle Anderson (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
18 Willem Boersma (Range Road Racing)
19 Chris Taylor (Soul Sportif)
20 Tyson Smith (The Lead Out Project.)
21 Ian Auld (Soul Sportif)
22 Greg Christian (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
23 Nick Jones (Musette Racing)
24 Ty Andrews (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle)
25 Ian Baldwin (Range Road Racing)
26 Aaron Sands (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
27 Robin Clegg (Team H&R Block)
28 Christian Shubart (Range Road Racing)
29 Cid Martinez-Arroyo (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
30 Raph Lalumiere (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
31 Evan Burtnik (Juventus)
32 Joel Taylor (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes)
33 Michael Waldhuber (Peloton Racing p/b Exterra GeoScience)
34 Scott Laliberte (Musette Racing)
35 Geordie Morrison (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes)
36 Brad Clifford (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes)
37 Geoff MacDonald (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
38 Michael van den Ham (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes)
39 Colin Croston (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
40 Bailey McKnight (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes)
41 David Holmes (The Lead Out Project)
42 Fraser Mills-Connery (The Lead Out Project.)
43 Cody Canning (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank) all s.t.
44 Jeff Perron (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) 0:36
45 James Kendal (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) s.t.
46 Anthony Killick (Soul Sportif) 0:41
47 Jevon Almond (Team Niklas) 0:42
48 Eric Jensen (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
49 Jon Wood (Soul Sportif) both s.t.
50 Henri de Boever (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 0:45
51 Mark McConnell (Synergy Racing) s.t.
52 Clinton Bialas (Edmonton Road & Track Club) 0:54
53 Peter Toth (Juventus) 1:03
54 Kevin Rokosh (Edmonton Road & Track Club) 1:14
55 Jason Proche (Edmonton Road & Track Club) 1:43
56 Ben Beschaden (Edmonton Road & Track Club) 5:20
57 Nigel Kinney (Musette Racing) 6:22
58 Charles Bougie (Speed Theory) 7:08
59 Dustin Andrews (Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes) 11:18
60 Mark Sherman (Musette Racing) s.t.
61 Rob Reid (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) 12:39
DNF Nicholas Jendzjowsky (Pedalhead Road Works)
Cat 3/4, 64 km
1 Connor Toppings (Synergy Racing) 1:41:45
2 Reid McClure (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
3 Craig DeBellefeuille (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle)
4 Isaac Beall (Bicisport)
5 Andrew Rockwell (Bicisport) all s.t.
6 Micah Medinski (Edmonton Road & Track Club) 0:03
7 Corey Fish (Team Rockford)
8 Herbert Mueller (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
9 Jason Doornbos (CMC/Bowcycle)
10 Devon Moonie (Interior Grasslands Cycling Club)
11 Joost van Ulden (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
12 Patrick Sumrell (Montana State University)
13 Stefan Ritter (Juventus)
14 Pete Dean (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
15 Michael Goodman (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
16 Jacob Howard (Synergy Racing)
17 Neilson Jeffrey (Terrascape Racing)
18 Barrie Furlong (Dejong Design p/b RoAD)
19 Robert Crane (Synergy Racing)
20 Ferenc Jacso (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle)
21 Karel Bergmann (Peloton Racing p/b Exterra GeoScience)
22 Stuart Smith (Revelstoke Cycling Association)
23 Michael Parrish (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
24 Reinier Paauwe (Peloton Racing p/b Exterra GeoScience)
25 Peter Doig (Peloton Racing p/b Exterra GeoScience)
26 David McKinnon (Pedalhead Road Works)
27 Emmanuel Delos Reyes (Mud Sweat and Gears)
28 Donald King (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle)
29 Neil Evans (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
30 Mike Macklem (Rundle Mountain Cycling CLub)
31 Matt Dean (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
32 Joseph Bergman (Pedalhead Road Works)
33 Dougal Owen (Bicisport)
34 Dean Wolansky (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
35 James Dean (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
36 Lukas Conly (Team Sask) all s.t.
37 Brad Dixon (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) 0:17
38 Dylan Pinter-Findlater (Bicisport) 0:23
39 Robert Starkey (Team Niklas) 0:29
40 David Healey (Revelstoke Cycling Association) s.t.
41 Kurt Withers (Glotman Simpson Cycling) 0:32
42 Noah Epp (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle) 0:34
43 Bill Burtnik (Juventus) 0:36
44 Antonio Bilotta (Pedalhead Road Works) s.t.
45 David Johnston (United Cycle Racing) 0:38
46 Ryan Hamilton (Independent) 0:40
47 Bryon Howard (Niklas Group) 0:44
48 Mason Burtnik (Juventus) 0:53
49 Bob Bailey (Independent) 1:05
50 Dan Hunka (Juventus) 3:37
51 Darcy Gullacher (Speed Theory) 27:34
52 Chris Schweitzer (Regina Cycling Club) s.t.
53 Jorn Schumann (Team Sask) 27:49
DNS Michael Parrish (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
DNS Isaac Niles (Bicisport)
DNS Cory Dickinson (United Cycle Racing)
DNS Kirk Loberg (TCR Sport Lab)
DNS Sean Germaine (Juventus)
DNS Alec Cowan (Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle)
DNS Alan Oickle (Speed Theory)
DNS Mitchell Fennell (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)
DNS Terra Manca (Edmonton Road & Track Club)
DNS Jason English (TCR Sport Lab)



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