Canadian Cyclist


July 30/14 6:45 am - Outdoor Gear Canada to Distribute Redline BMX in Canada

Posted by Editoress on 07/30/14

Accell North America (ANA) and Outdoor Gear Canada (OGC) have signed a multi-year distribution agreement making OGC the exclusive distributor of Redline BMX bicycles in Canada.

"Redline is one of the greatest names in the BMX world," said Jeremy Deme, Manager of OGC's new BMX division, OGC BMX. "With Redline and WTP, plus our new parts and accessory brands, we now have an extraordinary program for Canadian BMX dealers and riders."

OGC BMX officially launches with the 2015 season and is also the exclusive distributor in Canada for the Fiend, Federal, Merritt, Eclat, Fuse and Salt brands.

"After an extensive study of the Canadian bicycle market we felt that Outdoor Gear Canada has the best infrastructure, marketing knowledge and sales network to build a robust business for Redline BMX in Canada. We are very excited to be partnering with OGC," said Chris Speyer the CEO and President of Accell North America.

Redline is owned by Accell North America which also owns Raleigh, Diamondback, Lapierre and Seattle Bike Supply.

For more information, please contact Jeremy Deme, OGC BMX Division Manager at


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