Canadian Cyclist


December 13/14 22:45 pm - Canadian Cyclist Gift Guide - Day 3

Posted by Editor on 12/13/14

We can pretty much guarantee that anyone who is reading this considers cycling to be a part of their life, instead of just a method of transportation (although it is also that for many of us).

Therefore, cycling memorabilia, artwork, photography, etc. all make great gifts for cyclists. The possibilities are almost limitless here, with everything from original artwork, to reproductions of old posters, to photos of your favourite athletes (self promotion: we often sell copies of our images to be given as gifts).

Here are some Canadian examples:

Bicycle Art by Luigia Zilli

The Recycler

Recycled Accessories

Zazzle Bicycle Posters (U.S. but ships to Canada)

Also check your local bike shop, or bicycle-friendly coffee bar.  Here are a few:

Cafe Domestique - Dundas, Ontario
Musette Caffe - Vancouver
Jet Fuel Coffee - Toronto
La Maison des Cyclistes - Montreal
Tandem Bike Cafe


Day 1

Day 2



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