Canadian Cyclist


April 3/15 14:38 pm - Good Friday Road Race results

Posted by Editoress on 04/3/15

Results from the 11 am start at the Good Friday Road Race, Ontario Cup #1 held in in Ancaster Ontario

Presented by The Hamilton Cycling Club


Junior Men , 79.5 km (Average Speed 39.2 km/h)
1 Thierry Kirouac-Marcassa (National Cycling Centre Hamilton - RMJ) 2:01:32
2 Cameron Mason (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance - RMJ)
3 Jake Allaire (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ)
4 Jordann Jones (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ)
5 Gunnar Holmgren (Centurion Next Wave - RMU17) all s.t.
6 Garrett Belanger (Tower International Cycling Team - RMJ) 0:05
7 Matthew Staples (Centurion Next Wave - RMJ)
8 Noah Simms (Centurion Next Wave - RMU17)
9 Robert Starrs (Wheels of Bloor / Graywood Develoment - RMJ)
10 Zachary Peddle (Wheels of Bloor / Graywood Develoment - RMJ)
11 Tyler Orschel (Trek Canada Mountain Bike Team - RMJ)
12 Logan Mcintyre (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ)
13 Carter Davidson (Wheels of Bloor / Graywood Develoment - RMU17)
14 Michael Foley (Independent - RMU17)
15 Cam Connor (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMJ)
16 Harry Mayne (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17)
17 Lucas Taylor (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17)
18 Brody Sanderson (Centurion Next Wave - RMU17) all s.t.
19 Josh Smith (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17) 0:13
20 Malcolm Barton (Cycle Solutions - RMJ) s.r.
21 Brian Moore (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ) 0:52
22 Ian Currie (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ) 4:51
23 Jakob Meloche (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17) 4:53
24 Quinton Disera (Cycle Solutions Angry Johnny's - RMJ) 6:02
25 Justin Correa (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17) 6:06
26 Cole Schumacher (Centurion Next Wave - RMJ) 7:50
27 Owen Flood (Arrow Racing - RMJ) 8:18
28 Jacob Adams (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ) 8:37
29 Riley Mckellar (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17) 9:54
30 Emmett Townsend (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ) 11:18
31 Joseph Pancoe (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17) 14:25
32 Nick Wammes (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17) 17:51
33 Zachary Konings (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RMJ) 20:04
34 Kobe Liberty (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17) 31:39
DNF Gavin Kerr (Centurion Next Wave - RMU17)
DNF Jesse Rowley (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RMJ)
DNF Christian Stepanek (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RMJ)
DNF Evan Davidson (Esteemtraining.Com - RMU17)
DNF Craig Devries (Independent - RMJ)
DNF Joseph Kelly (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ)
DQ Josh Shenker (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17)
DNS Rune Schaefer (Centurion Next Wave - RMJ)
NP Dustin King (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMJ)
NP Chris Ernst (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17)
NP Je'land Sydney (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17)
NP Jeremy Cockerton (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ)
Elite 3 Men , 79.5 km (Average Speed 39.4 km/h)
1 Philip Sheffield (Waterloo Cycling Club) 2:00:58
2 Ben Mcnabb (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express) at 0:24
3 Jacques Cormier (Independent) 0:34
4 Michael Nangle (Team Race) 0:39
5 Adam Bird (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam)
6 Simon Agnew (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance)
7 Eric Hueston (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance)
8 Ian Loney (Ride With Rendall p/b Biemme)
9 Denny Saunders (London Honda/ Orthocare/ Villa)
10 Marshall Eidinger (Erace Cancer Cycling Team)
11 Markus Schroeter (Lapdogs Cycling Club)
12 David Grose (B1 Evo Cycling Club)
13 Kris Deyarmond (Waterloo Cycling Club)
14 Scott Weldon (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing)
15 Mike Little (Crimps Cycling Club)
16 Jesse Jarjour (Independent)
17 Rod Smit (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam)
18 Mark Brouwer (Team Pbr)
19 Dylan Coletto (Holiday Inn Calgary Northwest/) all s.t.
20 Matthew Merritt (Hitch/Dark Horse) 0:47
21 Kyle Boorsma (Crimps Cycling Club) 0:53
22 Dan Thompson (Midweek Cycling Club) 5:25
23 Scott Elliott (Midweek Cycling Club) 6:53
DNF Brett Meinzinger (Team Pbr)
DNF Chris Dunbar (Lapdogs Cycling Club)
DNF Christopher Bradbury (Independent)
DNF Michael Cormier (Legaci Cycling)
DNS Warren Shiau (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club)
NP John Parrott (Crimps Cycling Club)
NP Domenic Valela (Independent)
NP Ted Clark (Wheels of Bloor / Graywood Develoment)
Master 2 Men , 79.5 km (Average Speed 37.6 km/h)
1 Garnett Abbey (Erace Cancer Cycling Team - RMMC.2) 2:07:01
2 Blake Ellis (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
3 Mark Gilligan (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMA.2)
4 Andrew Botterell (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMB.2)
5 Jamie O'connor (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
6 Derek Koops (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
7 Patrick Gostovic (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
8 Craig Saari (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance - RMMA.2)
9 Jan Pearson (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
10 Jeff Ker (Photon Racing p/b Engineered A - RMMB.2)
11 Kevin Gandy (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
12 Sean Ryan (Tower International Cycling Team - RMMB.2)
13 Patrick Elliott (Team Pbr - RMMB.2)
14 Richard Poulin (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.2)
15 Patryk Biegalski (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RMMB.2)
16 Stuart Smith (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMA.2)
17 Doug Richards (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
18 Ciprian Scriuba (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
19 Brent Fargo (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.2)
20 Chris Vlemmix (London Honda/ Orthocare/ Villa - RMMB.2)
21 Bruce Telfer (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMC.2)
22 Andrew Auld (Team Pbr - RMMB.2)
23 Martin Pitts (B1 Evo Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
24 James Mcguire (Tekne Cycle Club - RMMB.2)
25 Paul Dean (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMC.2)
26 Charlie Philbrook (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RMMA.2)
27 Ian Cullion (Tower International Cycling Team - RMMA.2)
28 Gary Wright (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMMB.2)
29 Chris Pollett (Independent - RMMA.2)
30 Ira Sy (Cycles Fanatic Factory Race Team - RMMB.2)
31 Christopher Brachman (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
32 Graeme Sperber (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMB.2)
33 Karim Marrouch (Wheels of Bloor / Graywood Develoment - RMMC.2)
34 Paul Bradbury (Independent - RMMC.2)
35 Matt Mousseau (Tower International Cycling Team - RMMB.2)
36 Anthony Simpson (Mbrc.Org-Gears/Pedalinx - RMMB.2)
37 Bob Haufler (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
38 Peter Chae (B1 Evo Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
39 Justin Moore (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMB.2)
40 Rick Clavir (B1 Evo Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
41 Mike Renneboog (London Honda/ Orthocare/ Villa - RMMC.2)
42 Stephen Coulson (Independent - RMMD.2)
43 Joe Accardi (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam - RMMB.2)
44 Rick Bulmann (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RMMB.2)
45 Mikel Pearce (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
46 Peter Sutton (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance - RMMB.2)
47 Mike Vantil (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
48 Donnie Smith (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
49 Brad Keast (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
50 Scott Edgington (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMC.2)
51 Geoffrey Morgan (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
52 Remi Laroche (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.2)
53 Jamie Davies (B1 Evo Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
54 Ian Chambers (Team Pbr - RMMB.2)
55 Robert Kloet (Elite Health Racing - RMMC.2)
56 Steve Grundy (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
57 Michael Cranwell (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
58 Kees Louws (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance - RMMC.2)
59 Roderick Grant (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
60 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMC.2)
61 Graham Thomas (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.2)
62 Arthur Parsons (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.2) all s.t.
63 Lee Hooper (Team Pbr - RMMA.2) 0:23
64 James Layfield (Team Pbr - RMMC.2) 0:32
65 Jason Mottaz (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMB.2) 0:34
66 Michael Lawrie (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.2) 1:22
67 Jeff Murphy (Team Pbr - RMMB.2) 3:23
68 Michael Taniguchi (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMA.2) 4:07
69 Matt Thomas (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RMMB.2) 4:41
DNF Chris Chambers (Team Pbr - RMMC.2
DNF Hank Verhoeven (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.2
DNF Edward D'agostino (Independent - RMMC.2
DNF Jayson Baillie (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.2
DNF Jim Neal (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMC.2
DNF Jaime Saavedra (London Honda/ Orthocare/ Villa - RMMB.2
DNF Kevin Tearle (Team Pbr - RMMB.2
DNF Jason Woods (Tower International Cycling Team - RMMB.2
DQ Chris Pippy (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.2
DQ David Enns (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.2
DQ Paul Beit (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMMB.2
DNS Bruce Camacho (Full Throttle Cycle Club - RMMD.2
Elite 1&2 Women , 63.6 km (Average Speed 28.3 km/h)
1 Jamie Gilgen (Rise Racing p/b Cyclepath Woodbridge - RWE.1) 2:15:03
2 Sarah Mason (Rise Racing p/b Cyclepath Woodbridge - RWE.2) at s.r.
3 Laura Gazzola (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RWE.1) 3:19
4 Candice Vermeulen (Kallisto-Fcv p/b Toyo Tires - RWE.1) 5:09
5 Ashley Barson (Rise Racing p/b Cyclepath Woodbridge - RWE.1)
6 Julia Bradley (Rise Racing p/b Cyclepath Woodbridge - RWE.1)
7 Barbie Hope (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam - RWE.2)
8 Tatjana Zaharova (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.1)
9 Nicole Lentini (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerwatts - RWE.2)
10 Natascha Piciga (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerwatts - RWE.2)
11 Joyce Spruyt (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RWE.2)
12 Chantal Thompson (Midweek Cycling Club - RWE.2)
13 Kaitlyn Steeves (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWE.2)
14 Lori Kofman (Erace Cancer Cycling Team - RWE.2)
15 Kelly Ellis (Waterloo Cycling Club - RWE.2)
16 Kendra Howard (Midweek Cycling Club - RWE.2)
17 Andrea Elliott (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerwatts - RWE.2)
18 Melanie Bernier (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RWE.2)
19 Suzie Brown (Holiday Inn Calgary Northwest/ - RWE.1) all s.t.
20 Jennifer Hodgkinson (Cykl - Junek Velodromes - RWE.2) 5:16
DQ Leslie Horn (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RWE.2)


Results from the 8:30 am start at the Good Friday Road Race, Ontario Cup #1 held in in Ancaster Ontario
Presented by The Hamilton Cycling Club<

Elite 4 Men, 63.6 km (Average Speed 36.7 km/h)
1 David Marchesseault (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RME.4 ) 1:43:57
2 Robert Bateman (Bateman's Bicycle Company Ltd. - RME.4 )
3 Alan Dempsey (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RME.4 )
4 Hinkel Yeung (Sudbury Cycling Club - RME.4 )
5 Sylas Coletto (Holiday Inn Calgary Northwest/ - RME.4 )
6 Stewart Milne (Hamilton Cycling Club - RME.4 )
7 Kirill Yuzva (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RME.4 )
8 Quentin Stossel (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam - RME.4 )
9 Jonathan Maloney (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam - RME.4 )
10 Eric De Groote (Bateman's Bicycle Company Ltd. - RME.4 )
11 Sam Weichel (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMU23.4 )
12 Cody Murray (Crimps Cycling Club - RME.4 )
13 Alexander Mulholland (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RME.4 )
14 Joel Anderson (Lantern Rouge - RME.4 )
15 John Lobraico (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance - RME.4 )
16 Teddy Jarrett (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RME.4 )
17 Mark Middleton (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RME.4 )
18 Ayrton Dick (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4 )
19 Patrick Farrell (Independent - RMU23.4 )
20 Premton Batku (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RME.4 )
21 Robin Wallar (Giro/Bell/Blackburn - RME.4 )
22 Dan Bandurka (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4 )
23 Bernhard Isopp (Bateman's Bicycle Company Ltd. - RME.4 )
24 Pete Gemakas (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RME.4 ) all s.t.
25 David Vincent (London Centennial Wheelers - RME.4 ) 0:10
26 Taylor Ford (To Wheels Epic Sports Performance - RME.4 )
27 Michael Svendsen (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RME.4 )
28 Jason Shuker (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RME.4 )
29 Michael Nyby (Cycle Solutions - RME.4 )
30 Mike Grummett (Independent - RME.4 ) all s.t.
31 Andrei Enache (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMU23.4 ) 0:18
32 Jacob Williams (Cycle Solutions - RME.4 ) 0:20
33 Gavin Van Luik (Independent - RMU23.4 ) 0:30
34 A.j. Larivee (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RME.4 ) 0:39
35 Ugurtan Malkoc (D'ornellas Cycling Club - RMU23.4 ) 2:00
36 Lance Mclellan (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.4 ) 3:06
37 Christopher Wu (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RME.4 )
38 Tyler Ramsbottom (Bateman's Bicycle Company Ltd. - RME.4 )
39 Tariq Aziz (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RME.4 ) all s.t.
40 Garvin Moses (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RME.4 ) 3:50
41 Jamie Whitfield (Crimps Cycling Club - RME.4 ) 3:52
42 William Wang (Independent - RMU23.4 ) 5:27
43 Mike Normandeau (Giro/Bell/Blackburn - RME.4 ) 5:29
44 Kristoffer Hernandez (The Cycling Gym - RME.4 ) 7:53
45 Dex Prandovszky (Cycle Solutions - RME.4 ) 35:15
DNF Matthew Arbour (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Matthew Downs (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNF Derek Oosterveen (Reactivated Racing - RME.4)
DNF Calvin Rowaan (Bike Zone Racing - RME.4)
DNF Connor Gregory (Bateman's Bicycle Company Ltd. - RME.4)
DNF Andrew Jason Wilton (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Jordan Kadelbach (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Christopher Wardlaw (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Nicholas Sidhu (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNF Glenn Reiman (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Stephen Bilicki (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNF Drew Welsh (Independent - RMU23.4)
DNF Rob Bennett (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Matthew Zammit (Independent - RME.4)
DNF Marc Des Rosiers (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RME.4)
DNF Tuan Nguyen (Independent - RME.4)
DQ Tony Jacques (Independent - RME.4)
DNS James Mcmurray (Rock And Road Cycle Race Team - RME.4)
DNS Steve Jones (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RME.4)
NP Liam Lees (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMU23.4)
Master 3 Men, 63.6 km (Average Speed 37.2 km/h)
1 Jody Wilson (Collingwood Cycling Club - RMMA.3 ) 1:42:36
2 Alex Avdyushin (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.3 )
3 Chris Schindler (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
4 David Staples (Centurion Next Wave - RMMC.3 )
5 Keith Peck (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
6 Darren Hobson (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMB.3 )
7 Dereck Bowen (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RMMB.3 )
8 Tim Griffin (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
9 Meredith Nelson (Elite Health Racing - RMMB.3 )
10 William Dainty (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMB.3 )
11 Martin Cloutier (Independent - RMMA.3 )
12 Kevin Mahood (Independent - RMMA.3 )
13 Glendon Thomlinson (Mbrc.Org-Gears/Pedalinx - RMMB.3 )
14 Chris Mcquinn (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.3 )
15 Dorel Pop (B1 Evo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
16 Walter Spoja (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMB.3 )
17 Owen Lewis (Team Cafe Roubaix - RMMA.3 )
18 Rahim Remu (Erace Cancer Cycling Team - RMMB.3 )
19 Chris Cuylle (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMC.3 )
20 Don Smart (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
21 Jim Gantley (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMB.3 )
22 David Newport (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMMC.3 )
23 Lee Fitzgerald (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
24 Michael Davidson (Progressive p/b Superfly/Maver - RMMB.3 )
25 Jeffrey Shore (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
26 Nigel Dewsbury (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam - RMMB.3 )
27 Joe Rousseau (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RMMB.3 )
28 Campbell Macmillan (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMB.3 )
29 Steve Hart (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
30 Mark Chappel (Speed River Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
31 Tom Cichon (Mbrc.Org-Gears/Pedalinx - RMMB.3 ) all s.t.
32 Derek Hsiung (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) 0:23
33 Vance Lai (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RMMB.3 ) 0:40
34 Jason Foy (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMA.3 ) s.t.
35 Steve Grujic (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) 0:42
36 Darren Johnston (Speed River Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) 0:42
37 Alain Francq (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) 1:36
38 Jeff Heipel (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMC.3 ) 1:36
39 Roger Waithe (D'ornellas Cycling Club - RMMC.3 ) 1:56
40 Mike Avery (First Capital Cycling, Kingsto - RMMC.3 ) 2:09
41 Jim Dolson (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMC.3 ) 2:37
42 Brian Cashin (Barrie/Simcoe Cycling Club - RMMC.3 ) 2:39
43 Roy Thomas (B1 Evo Cycling Club - RMMC.3 ) 3:37
44 Todd Stahley (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
45 Darrell Gabourie (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.3 )
46 Maurice Rose (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMC.3 ) all s.t.
47 Nick Everitt (Orthocare Cycling Team - RMMB.3 ) 4:07
48 Peter Martens (Independent - RMMB.3 )
49 Mike Pilmer (Independent - RMMC.3 ) both s.t.
50 Paul Mang (Mbrc.Org-Gears/Pedalinx - RMMC.3 ) 5:22
51 Trevor Rickwood (Sudbury Cycling Club - RMMB.3 )
52 Wesley Morgan (Cycle Logik Racing - RMMA.3 )
53 Michael Charland (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMA.3 ) all s.t.
54 Richard Bingham (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMC.3 ) 5:33
55 Chad Madaleno (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMA.3 ) 7:05
56 Colin Ruskin (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMB.3 ) 7:18
57 Matthew Pioro (Canadian Cycling Magazine - RMMA.3 ) 7:55
58 Michael Nawalaniec (Sudbury Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) 8:19
59 Doug Daniell (Collingwood Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) s.t.
60 Alan Balazic (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3 ) 8:31
61 William Ross (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMC.3 )
62 Richard James (Mbrc.Org-Gears/Pedalinx - RMMB.3 ) both s.t.
63 David Gazel (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.3 ) 12:01
64 Ray Williams (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMMC.3 ) 12:52
65 Paul St. Marseille (St.Catharines Cycling Club - RMMA.3 ) 15:55
66 Jeff Foy (Independent - RMMA.3 ) 19:08
67 Michael Stroud (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RMMD.3 ) 19:12
68 Gerry Vienneau (Independent - RMMB.3 ) 44:55
DNF Gary Ciarloni (Hamilton Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
DNF Jason Ernst (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
DNF Mike Jacques (Independent - RMMC.3)
DNF Andrew Krucker (Speed River Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
DNF Michael Latino (Independent - RMMC.3)
DNF Christopher Lamont (Hummingbirds International Cyc - RMMA.3)
DNF Sebastian Zdyb (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
DNF Matt Cameron (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
DNF Bevan Ackerman (D'ornellas Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
DNF Brian Smith (Independent - RMMA.3)
DNF Mark Mcisaac (Bike Zone Racing - RMMB.3)
DNF Bart Egnal (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
DNF Steve Quenneville (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
DNF Daniel Lundenberg (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
DQ Mike Patte (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
DNS Michael Longfield (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
NP Sergei Stevens (Ancaster Velo - RMMB.3)
NP Luigi Elia (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMC.3)
NP Dino Zunic (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
NP Christopher Dolson (Nacsworld p/b Waspcam - RMMB.3)
Elite 3 Women, 63.6 km (Average Speed 33.5 km/h)
1 Rachel Blair (Chain Reaction Cycling Club/Ec - RWE.3 ) 1:53:58
2 Robyn Angeles (Independent - RWE.3 ) at 0:02
3 Sara Giovannetti (Independent - RWE.3 ) s.t.
4 Elene Brett-Evans (Independent - RWE.3 ) 0:05
5 Kari Hueber (Waterloo Cycling Club - RWE.3 )
6 Meaghan Jefferson (Holiday Inn Calgary Northwest/ - RWE.3 ) both s.t.
7 Katie Ozolins (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerw - RWE.3 ) 0:13
8 Katrina King (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerw - RWE.3 )
9 Emily Marcolini (Sudbury Cycling Club - RWE.3 )
10 Andrea Arbuthnot (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWE.3 ) all s.t.
11 Miriam Young (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RWE.3 ) 0:26
12 Thea Mizuhara (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RWE.3 ) 0:58
13 Molly Mccracken (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RWE.3 ) 2:25
14 Tara Macdonald (Crimps Cycling Club - RWE.3 ) 3:21
15 Danielle Schon (Lantern Rouge - RWE.3 ) 11:19
16 Erin Ruttan (Bicisport Calgary Bicycle Club - RWE.3 ) s.t.
DNF Samantha Sykes (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerw - RWE.3)
NP Miriam Brouwer (Giant Toronto / Liv p/b Powerw - RWE.3)
NP Deirdre Maloney (Real Deal/Gears p/b Waspcam - RWE.3)
Junior Women, 63.6 km (Average Speed 33.5 km/h)
1 Naomi Desousa (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWU17 ) 1:53:58
2 Amelia Bell (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ )
3 Ali Van Yzendoorn (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWU17 ) both s.t.
4 Ruby West (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWU17 ) 0:05
5 Charlotte Creswicke (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWJ )
6 Hillary Lowry (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ )
7 Lara Lee (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ )
8 Claudia Newdick (Waterloo Cycling Club - RWJ ) all s.t.
9 Tove Schaefer (Centurion Next Wave - RWU17 ) 0:13
10 Erica Leonard (Centurion Next Wave - RWJ ) 2:52
11 Andrea Nordemann-Da Silva (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWJ ) s.t.
12 Kassandra Kriarakis (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWU17 ) 12:23
DNF Emily Mcdonald (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWJ)
Master A Women, 63.6 km (Average Speed 33.5 km/h)
1 Kate Heckman (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RWMA ) 1:53:58
2 Megan Towns (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWMA ) at 0:05
3 Heather Zunic (Waterloo Cycling Club - RWMA ) s.t.
4 Christina Alsop (Independent - RWMA ) 7:56
5 Jocelyn Stephen (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RWMA ) 12:07
DNF Ashley Brown (Bike Zone Racing - RWMA)
DNF Chris Brown (Novofit-Compass 360 Racing - RWMA)
DNF Jenn Rodgers (Rock And Road Cycle Race Team - RWMA)
Master B Women, 63.6 km (Average Speed 33.5 km/h)
1 Lisa Ulrich (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWMB ) 1:54:03
2 Julie Martens (Independent - RWMB ) at 0:08
3 Amy White (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja/Tr - RWMB )
4 Michelle Amancio (Reactivated Racing - RWMB ) 7:50
5 Connie Verhaeghe (Hamilton Cycling Club - RWMC ) 7:51
6 Amanda Kosmerly (Sudbury Cycling Club - RWMB ) 11:54
DNS Ivana Gotzeva (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWMB)
NP Danielle Franz (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWMB)


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