Canadian Cyclist


April 14/15 12:28 pm - Jeremy's Roubaix Race Report and results

Posted by Editoress on 04/14/15

150 of BC's toughest riders headed to the country roads and gravel dikes of Pitt Meadow for the 2015 edition of Jeremy's Roubaix.  This annual event, entering into its 12th year, was renamed Jeremy's Roubaix in memory of Jeremy Storie, a Canadian cycling legend who took his own life back in 2013.

The weather dished up a variety of conditions, including sun, wind and periods of intense rain, all which added to the character of this event.  "Riders not only had to battle the tough, gravel section of the course but, when the winds and rain hit, staying warm became a new challenge," commented Race Director Barry Lyster.  "It also kept the pit crew from Fort Langley Cyclery ready for additional action."

The Cat 1, 2 men saw a strong group of riders stay away for the majority of the race.  After 120 km, the final sprint came down to Isaac Leblanc (Pro City Racing) and Garrett McLeod (H&R Block Pro Cycling), with LeBlanc taking the win.  Danick Vandale (Accent Inns / Russ Hayes p/b Scotia Bank), Jonathan Wood (Langois Bown Racing) and Amiel Flett-Brown (TaG Cycling) rounded out the top 5.



Cat 1, 2 Men - Jonathan Wood, Langois Brown Racing and Garett McLeod H&R Block Pro Cycling - Scott Robarts



Cat 1/2 Men Sprint Finish, Isaac LeBlanc, Pro City Cycling Wins - Scott Robarts


A four rider break formed early in the 80 km Cat 1, 2, 3 Women's race.  Kelsey MacDonald (Team Giant Vancouver) was first off the dikes on the final lap to take the win, with Maggie Coles-Lyster (Local Ride Racing) taking second and Kristine Brynjolfson (Women's Team Attack) taking third.



Cat 1/2/3 Women - Maggie Coles-Lyster, Local Ride Racing and Kelsey MacDonald, Giant Vancouver, lead through the corner - Scott Robarts


The Cat 3 Men's category was the largest of the day, with Alex Dove (Mighty Riders) taking the win in front of a hard charging group of racers.  Craig Holden (Glotman Simpson Cycling Club) was the top Master 40+, while Brendan Armstrong (TaG Cycling) was the top Junior.



Cat 3 Men string it out on the road - Scott Robarts


Another bonus for the day was the large turnout of youth riders for the event, with Devo p/b Catalyst Kinetics dominating in most categories.  In the youth races, Lilly Ujfalusi was the U13 girl winner, with Lief Rodgers being the top U13 boy.  Eric Inkster was the top U15 boy, with Devo teammate Elizabeth Gin being top U15 girl.  Ben Katerberg (Trail Bicycles) was the fastest U17 Boy.

Jeremy's Roubaix was the first race in Cycling BC's Premier Road Series.  This series consists of seven BC races, including Race The Ridge, Cameron Law Cycling Classic and BC Superweek.  The next race in the series will be the Race the Ridge Hatzic Valley road race on May 30th.

Local Ride Racing would like to thank its sponsors:  Colnago Canada, Code Sports, Catlike Helmets, Power2Max, Cycles Lambert, Fort Langley Cyclery, and Kicking Horse Coffee.

A huge thanks also go out to Cycling BC, City of Pit Meadows, Metro Parks, race staff and volunteers, Ridge Meadows BMX club, and all the residents of this beautiful community for making this race possible.

Courtesy Local Ride


Cat 1/2 Women
1 Maggie Coles-Lyster (Local Ride Racing)
2 Kristine Brynjolfson (Women's Team ATAC)
3 Emma Lujan (Women's Team ATAC)
Cat 3 Women
1 Kelsey Macdonald (Giant Vancouver/BOC racing)
DNF Melanie Von Stetten (Women's Team ATAC)
Cat 1/2 Men
1 Isaac LeBlanc (Pro City Racing)
2 Garrett McLeod (H&R Block Pro Cycling)
3 Danick Vandale (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
4 Johnathan Wood (Langlois Brown Racing)
5 Amiel Flett-Brown (TaG Cycling)
6 Brett Wakefield (Team Giant Vancouver)
7 Jordan Landolt (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
8 Quinn Anderson (Mighty Cycling)
9 Matthew Van Nostrand (Fulgas)
10 Sherwood Plant (Langlois Brown Racing)
11 Richard Machhein (Team Giant Vancouver)
12 Jackson Pickell (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Devon Moonie (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
DNF Atilla Avsar (Independent)
DNF Brett Boniface (Fulgas)
DNF Jon Bula (Fulgas)
DNF Chris Christie (MEC/Dissent/Prima)
DNF Dylan Cunningham (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
DNF Brent Dallimore (Independent)
DNF Raph Lalumiere (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
DNF Alex Langley (Fulgas)
DNF Normand Richard (Accent Inns / Russ Hay's p/b Scotiabank)
DNF Shane Savage (Independent)
Cat 4 Women
1 Anne Ouellet (Escape Velocity)
2 Helena Coney (Chain Line Cycle Club)
3 Margaret Ovenell (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
4 Lindsey Von Bloedau (EV/DEVO p/d Catalyst Kinetics)
5 Alycia Traas (Independent)
6 Michele Schaeffer (Escape Velocity)
Novice Women
1 Trisha Rodgers (Daryl Evans Racing)
2 Donna Tyson (Fort Langley Cyclery)
3 Lexie Evers (Glotman Simpson)
Cat 3 Men
1 Alex Dove (Mighty Riders - Cat 3 Men)
2 Brendan Armstrong (TaG Cycling - Junior Men)
3 Carsten Ivany (Team Giant Vancouver - Cat 3 Men)
4 Michael Wegner (Langlois Brown Racing - Cat 3 Men)
5 Chris Jameson (Gastown Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
6 Craig Holden (Glotman Simpson Cycling Club - Master Men 40+)
7 Alan Zoller (Independent - Cat 3 Men)
8 Christian Frandsen (Fulgas Cycle Club - Cat 3 Men)
9 Clarke Bayles (Fulgas - Cat 3 Men)
10 Roni Jones (Musette Racing - Cat 3 Men)
11 Maxwell Kelsch (Tag Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
12 Andrew Russell (Victoria Wheelers Cycling Club - Cat 3 Men)
13 Mike Elliston (CrossRoad Racing - Master Men 40+)
14 Athanasios Caramanolis (Independent - Cat 3 Men)
15 Rowan Morris (TaG cycling - Junior Men)
16 Brandon Jones (Cahilty - Cat 3 Men)
17 Mark Mathew (UBC - Cat 3 Men)
18 Etienne Hossack (EV/DEVO p/b Catalyst Kinetics - Cat 3 Men)
19 Graham Barron (Fulgas - Cat 3 Men)
20 Ben Ford (CrossRoad Racing - Master Men 40+)
21 Ted Matson (Glotman Simpson CC - Master Men 40+)
22 Ian Hilts (Glotman Simspon - Master Men 40+)
23 Kevin Watt (Independent - Master Men 40+)
24 Dean Broomham (chainline cycle - Master Men 40+)
25 Jay Gundzik (FULGAS - Master Men 40+)
26 William Semrau (Fulgas Cycle Club - Master Men 40+)
27 Michael Parrish (Glotman Simpson Cycling - Master Men 40+)
DNF Matthew Chater (Naked Racing/Musette - Master Men 40+)
DNF Russell Stead (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics - Master Men 40+)
DNF Chris Bond (Independent - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Elijah Buffalo (Gastown - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Erik Diertens (Dr.Walker Sports Chiropractor Team - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Conor Fox (Glotman Simpson Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Michael Goodman (Glotman Simpson Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Dan Gronross (Steed Cycles - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Adam Holcombe (Gastown Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Simon Le Pine (Gastown Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Chris MacDonald (CrossRoad Racing - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Andrew McCartney (Pro City Racing - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Bevan Moss (Independent - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Daniel Owsiany (Independent - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Wilson Tran (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Kurt Withers (Glotman Simpson - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Ryan Jones (Glotman Simpson - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Aaron Brown (Glotman Simpson Cycling - Cat 3 Men)
DNF Kellen Viznaugh (Revelstoke Cycling Association - Junior Men)
DNF Chad Eberle (Glotman Simpson - Master Men 40+)
DNF Christian Hansen (EV/Devo p/b Catalyst Kinetics - Master Men 40+)
Cat 4 Men
1 James Kirker (UBC)
2 Thomas Wallace (Glotman Simpson)
3 Michael Stobart (Glotman Simpson)
4 Matt Baumeister (Independent)
5 Matthew Brown (GLOTMAN SIMPSON)
6 Bob Mclaren (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
7 Brendan Turgeon (Independent)
9 Matthew Friesen (Mighty Cycling)
10 Alex Henry (Glotman Simpson)
11 Brian Wong (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
12 Dylan Wiwad (Gastown Cycling Association)
13 David Kozicz (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
14 Darrin Grund (Escape Velocity)
15 Ryan Cousineau (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
16 Andrew Kerr (Team GIANT Vancouver)
17 David Lyall (Independent)
18 Kevin O'Connor (Glotman Simpson Cycling Club)
19 Jake Cullen (Independent)
DNF Matt Baumeister (Independent)
DNF Blair Benjamin (Alete FLC)
DNF Andrew Coelho (Glotman Simpson)
DNF Peter Fung (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
DNF Tobin Henderson (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
DNF Ben Johnson (Glotman-Simpson Cycling)
DNF Jack Mckillop (EV/Devo pb by Catalyst Kinetics)
DNF Michael Skidmore (Ridge Meadows BMX / Kult Bike)
DNF Richard Spooner (Independent)
DNF Isaac Van Der Vliet (Trailbikes)
Novice Men
1 Andrew Waye (Independent)
2 Johnathon-Joshua Harder (Alete-FLC)
3 Dan Francis (Fort Langley Cyclery)
4 Mike Palichuk (Fort Langley Cyclery)
5 David Usher (Independent)
6 David Wilkins (Fort Langley Cyclery))
7 Ben Smith (Glotman Simpson Cycling)
8 Jonathan Vanpopta (Fort Langley Cyclery)
9 Farouk Zaba (Glotman Simpson Cycling Club)
10 Brian "The Legs" LoveLace (Alete-FLC)
Stuart Bagnall (Glotman Simpson)
dns Tom Locke (Fort Langley Cyclery)
1 Lief Rodgers (dEVo p/b Catalyst Kinetics)
2 Patrik Rytir (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
3 Emmanuel Moore (Devo/Escape Velocity)
4 Ethan Hunt (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
dns Markus Inkster (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
dns Campbell Parrish (EV/DEVO p/b Catalyst Kinetics)
U13 Girls
1 Lilly Ujfalusi (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
U15 Boys
1 Eric Inkster (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
2 Quinn Storey (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
3 Tyler Davies (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
4 Sean Richardson (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
5 Reese Critchlow (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
6 Evan Russell (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
7 Evan McBeath (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
U15 Girls
1 Elizabeth Gin (dEVo pb catalyst)
2 Bronwen Campbell (deVo)
3 Kate Matson (EV / DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
4 Maia Matson (EV / DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
5 Erin Usher (EV/DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
6 Caitlin Wallin (Devo)
7 Maia Matson (EV / DEVO pb Catalyst Kinetics)
8 Kaelen Coles-Lyster (Local Ride Racing)
U17 Boys
1 Ben Katerberg (Trail Bicycles)
DNS Thomas Hill (Tripleshot Cycling)



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