Canadian Cyclist


April 21/15 17:30 pm - Ride Across Canada for AIDS Research

Posted by Editoress on 04/21/15

Four first-year university students are cycling across Canada this summer in support of HIV research. They are cycling 6600km+ to raise awareness and funds for the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research.

During a trip to Africa after high school, Chris Davidge was saddened to learn that 90% of the children that he had worked with in schools and hospitals were infected with HIV. At a time in Chris' life where he had the privilege of taking a journey of growth and self-exploration, the notion that many of these children would not live to see adulthood and realize their true potential compelled him to act.

Chris connected with the CANFAR's Kisses 4 CANFAR campaign, Canada's largest campaign aimed at empowering youth with the information and tools to make safe decisions. Chris' story and passion to make a difference ignited a spark in three friends as well - Tommy Spriet, Yanir Levy and Neil Schmitke will be riding alongside Chris. They are blogging their journey at

On May 9th, these four young men will set off from Vancouver, British Columbia, on a 64 day ride across Canada, ending in Sydney, Nova Scotia. This is a journey of a lifetime for these four young men, and a journey that could extend the lifetime of many people affected by HIV and AIDS in Canada and around the world.

CANFAR is supporting the Teams' efforts by trying to spread the word about the journey. You can see what they are up to at


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