Canadian Cyclist


August 5/00 2:59 am - MS Relay, Wohlberg, Masters Worlds, Cereal, Junior Track Worlds

Posted by Editor on 08/5/00

The 8 Hours Multiple Sclerosis Mountain Bike Team Relay - Ontario

This is a charity event to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Brant County Chapter. Pledge forms will be included in all race packages and teams are encouraged to raise as many pledges as possible. Prizes will be awarded to the top fund raisers.

The event course is a 7.5 km. loop through the trails of Paris Lions Park, Paris Ontario. The course consists of enjoyable single track, double track and some very interesting technical sections. The event starts at 9:00AM sharp with the starting lap riders enjoying an exciting 1 km. added section. This is an endurance 8 HOUR RELAY event. Riders will carry a baton (supplied) on the course, which will be presented at the start/finish/timing area to register laps, then passed to the next team member who then continues the next lap (soloists don't pass a baton). The teams with the most laps, after 8 hours, in their category will win prizes (see entry form for categories). For teams that are less physical or enjoy more entertainment, there will be a 5-6 person fun category.

What is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common disease of the central nervous system affecting young adults in Canada. An estimated 50,000 Canadians have MS. The disease attacks the myelin covering the central nervous system, causing inflammation and often destroying the myelin in patches. This process interrupts the natural flow of nerve impulses. The result may be vision problems, numbness, loss of balance, extreme fatigue, tremors, even paralysis. Spontaneous recovery from symptoms can occur and last for several months or years. But multiple sclerosis is often progressive and characterized by unpredictable attacks causing further disability. Multiple sclerosis affects more women than men (almost two to one) and usually strikes people who are between the ages of 20 and 40. Canada has one of the highest rates of MS in the world. As yet, the cause and cure are unknown, but recently drugs to reduce the frequency and severity of MS attacks have become available.

Please join us on September 10th to help raise money to support the MS Society. Please note that pre-registration closes on August 12th.

We have on-line registration at, or e-mail

Update On Wohlberg Injury

Contrary to earlier reports that had Eric suffering from possible multiple broken bones, it appears that his injuries (suffered in a crash this past week) are much less worse than feared.

From the Kris Westwood at the CCA we get the following report:

Neither his wrist nor his collar bone are broken: he actually chipped a small bone in the fleshy part of his hand, near his thumb. This caused him a lot of pain and a lot of swelling. The swelling is down a bit now and he has had a fibreglass cast fitted. He will be at least a few days off the bike, but that shouldn't affect his participation at the Olympics, and he shouldn't have to have an operation. The doctor he's seeing works for the LA Kings and knows wrist injuries. He is also an avid cyclist so he's very happy to work with a cycling Olympian. Eric's wrist is in good hands, so to speak. Good news for the Canadian Team anyway.

An alternate for the Olympic team should be nominated next week, so that we are ready to react to a situation of this type should it be more serious. We have the right to replace a team member until September 14; after that, replacement riders must come from within the group already in Sydney. Our only options for the men's road race would then be Roland Green or Geoff Kabush.

No Canadian Team in the Masters World Mountain Bike Championship

August 4, 2000 - The Canadian Cycling Association wishes to announce that, unlike in past years, there will be no Canadian National Team entered in the Masters World Mountain Bike Championship to be held in Bromont, Québec, September 2nd and 3rd, 2000.

Unlike the elite and junior world championships, the Masters Worlds is an event in which riders may enter individually: there is no obligation for them to be National Team members. With the Worlds being held in Canada, it is in the better interest of provinces, clubs and sponsors that their jerseys be worn rather than the Canadian National Team jerseys.

It is important to note that, as there is no National Team entered, it is not permissible to wear a National Team jersey in the Worlds.

The CCA would like to wish the best of success to both the Worlds organizers and the many Canadian athletes competing in the event.

For more information, please contact Kris Westwood at 613-748-5629.

Aucune d'équipe canadienne aux championnats du monde de vélo de montagne maîtres

Ottawa, Ontario, 4 aoøt 2000 - L'Association Cycliste Canadienne tient à annoncer que, contrairement aux années précédentes, il n'y aura pas d'équipe nationale canadienne inscrite aux championnats du monde de vélo de montagne maîtres, qui auront lieu le 2 et 3 septembre 2000 à Bromont, Québec.

Contrairement aux championnats chez les elites et les juniors, les coureurs désireux de participer aux championnats du monde maîtres doivent s'inscrirent individuellement et il n'est pas impératif d'être membre de l'équipe nationale pour y participer. Les championnats se déroulant au Canada, il en va de l'intérêt des provinces, clubs et commanditaires que les coureurs portent leur couleurs respectives plutôt que celles de l'équipe nationale.

L'équipe nationale canadienne n'étant pas inscrite aux championnats du monde de vélo de montagne maîtres, il est strictement interdit de porter un maillot de l'équipe nationale durant la tenue des événements.

L'Association Cycliste Canadienne tient à souhaîter le meilleur des succès aux organisateurs des championnats ainsi qu'à tous les coureurs qui prendront part aux compétitions.

Pour de plus amples informations, n'hésitez pas à contacter Kris Westwood au (613) 748-5629.

Cyclists in the Cereal World

It appears that Alison Sydor is already appearing on boxes of Cheerios, since Victoria-based cycling coach Steve Lund reports seeing them in the stores. Steve also says that Tanya Dubnicoff is on a cereal box, but doesn't know which one - can anyone help?

Junior Track Worlds -Italy

Womens Pursuit

2 BATES KATE AUS 2:34.188


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