Canadian Cyclist


August 8/00 7:48 am - Pan Am Mountain Bike Championships Downhill

Posted by Editor on 08/8/00

Pan Am Mountain Bike Championships - Downhill

These are the full and official results from the Pan Am Mountain Bike Championships in Puerto Rico, held August 5-6. We do not know whether the riders with no times were DNF or not, and the fractional times are as supplied.

Womens Downhill
1Pizarro Lazo, BernarditaCHI2:28:34
2Huard , KimCAN2:34:11
3Teobaldo , CarolinaARG2:38:03
4Marggraff Campos, DianaECU0.115023148
5Idrovo Alvarado, AnaECU2:47:29
6De la Roca , CarolinaGUA2:49:15
7Ramirez Alvarado, MariaECU0.121678241
8Morfin Macouzet, LauraMEX0.131331019
Masters Downhill
1Harambillet Melero, GonzaloCHI0.094895833
2Valenzuela Montes, NelsonCHI0.095277778
3Recio Camargo, GermanCOL0.098981481
4Gonzalez Cespedes, CarlosCHI2:22:24
5Dalbon Soler, LorenzoVEN0.101053241
6Ramos , JulioGUA0.101412037
7Gomez , SergioARG2:26:20
8De Leon , EzarGUA2:28:51
9Nation Bendilez, JohnVEN0.107060185
10Monroig Mejias, JulioPUR2:35:27
11Hernandez Sigo, HectorPUR2:37:07
12Gonzalez Reza, ArturoMEX2:37:46
13Jaquez Hilario, JoseMEX2:41:47
14Arredondo Farias, JorgeCHI2:45:34
15Teran Acevedo, GuillermoCHI2:50:09
16Bogunovich , CesarARG0.138969907
17Rodriguez Orellana, SergioHON3:45:56
18Antonio Lira, MarcosBRA4:20:30
Junior Men
1Benoit Planella, GabrielCHI2:15:07
2Valdiezo Avilez, ChristianECU2:15:26
3Echevarria De la Barra, DiegoCHI0.094479167
4Gianodis , DiegoARG2:17:38
5Reichert Luillig, WillyGUA2:18:29
6Tapia Lopez, SebastianCHI2:18:48
7Bussetti , GermanARG0.096770833
8Morandi Sousa, ViniciusBRA2:19:41
9Jarrin Molina, MarioECU2:20:13
10Carrion Garcia, CristobalECU2:21:11
11Barroso Leon, PedroCHI0.099398148
12Valencia Duque, WilsonCOL2:28:04
13Villareal Parra, EduardoMEX2:29:38
14Jarrin Suarez, DanielECU0.105231481
15Agudelo , SantiagoCOL0.107337963
16Cambronero , BasilCRC0.118229167
17Uribe Valdes, SergioCHI3:20:31
Elite Men
1Roura Burbano, DanielECU0.087928241
2Cingolani , PabloARG2:11:26
3Ocampo , JuanCOL2:11:38
4Vazquez Cid, SebastianCHI2:12:26
5Pelegrina , OscarARG2:13:12
6Plaut Guzman, ClausCHI2:14:23
7Cingolani , CarlosARG2:15:35
8Toledo Renftel, JuanCHI2:15:48
9Vasquez Cid, FelipeCHI0.094780093
10Saenz Laiz, EduardoCHI0.095532407
11Idrovo Alvarado, AntonioECU0.096944444
12Del Busto , PedroGUA2:19:11
13Perez Tejeda, JoseMEX2:19:22
14Sotomayor Hermida, AndresECU0.098043981
15Moreno Contrras, JacksonVEN0.098078704
16Fernandez Casadiego, GustavoVEN2:23:12
17Arredondo , DanielCOL0.101099537
18Oriozalba , FernandoARG0.101805556
19Vecchi Magallanes, CarlosMEX2:29:51
20Morales Zuger, JoseGUA0.105810185
21Perez Cenoz, ChesterMEX2:33:20
22Cortes Perez, AlejandroPUR2:33:47
23Lara Salas, CarlosMEX2:40:35
24Suares , JuanDOM0.11625
25Murillo Rodriguez, ElmoPUR2:50:27
26Morales Guzman, WaldemarPUR3:01:09
27Meoño , RicardoCRC3:21:45
28Gonzalez Felipe, AliVEN3:48:10


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