Canadian Cyclist


August 10/00 9:49 am - Ontario Crit, Masters Worlds, Track League Cancelled, Lachine

Posted by Editor on 08/10/00

Ontario Provincial Criterium Championships
(courtesy OCA)

August 13, 2000

9:00am - Sr. 3 Men (non-championship category), Junior Men 23 laps 51km
10:30am - Master A 30-39 Men 23 laps 51km
12:00noon - Master B, C, D Men, Cadet Men (under 17) 23 laps 51km
1:30pm - Sr. Women, Jr. Women 23 laps 51km
3:00pm - Sr. 1 & 2 Men 35 laps 77km

Registration will close 15 minutes prior to the start of each race.
Entry Fee is $20/person for all categories except Junior and Cadet which is $15/person
One-Day licences will be available as per One-Day Policy
The Provincial Championships are only open to permanent Ontario residents whose UCI licence code starts with "CAN"
Please bring along a volunteer!

Masters MTB Worlds

There are now 15 countries and over 150 participants registered for the Masters Mountain Bike World Championships, to be held in Bromont, Quebec September 2-3. So far, the oldest registrant is returning champion Albert Piemme of the USA, at 69 (for both cross-country and downhill). However, he has competition in his 60+ age category, with at least 4 others registered so far. More information can be found at Pre-registration closes on August 15th, after that the entry cost increases.

August 12th Track League Cancelled
(courtesy Nigel Roberts)

The Wheelmen (Antique Bikes) will be using the track on Saturday so the Track League meet has been cancelled. Due to scheduling conflicts we are unable to set a date prior to the Marcel Thysman.

See you all at the Marcel Thysman Memorial Track Meet.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Nigel Roberts at (519) 624-6149 or

Birth Announcement

Calum Brady Lefebvre entered the world August 8th, weighing in at 7.5 lbs - absolutely worth giving up 10 speeding for!

Tim Lefebvre

Subaru / Hi-Tec Adventure Race - Collingwood, Ontario

August 7th, COLLINGWOOD, ON: As hundreds of participants boarded their canoes and paddled out to the mass water start, the sun shone for the first time in weeks for the second annual Subaru / Hi-Tec Adventure Race Series presented by Old Spice Red Zone held in Collingwood, ON, on August 5th, 2000.

Adventure racing is a competitive team event involving mountain biking, canoeing and trail running. Teams of three travel together over a multisport course that tests team dynamics and physical stamina. And if that's not enough... teams are also expected to complete special tests that are located throughout the course. Designed to challenge and confuse; these events could include rope work, wall climbs, mind games and mud pits.

The canoe was fast and furious for the first kilometre. Leaving from the waterfront park in downtown Collingwood, the teams headed towards Long Point and the first checkpoint. Some portaged over little peninsulas, as others used brute force to battle the waves on Georgian Bay. However, none of them noticed the one team that was left behind. Team Tigers in the Woods had exceeded the weight limit on their canoe and slowly sank into the bay. Refusing to quit, they self-rescued into a new, bigger, canoe and kept paddling.

The first team into Checkpoint 1 was none other than series' leaders, Screeming Fury. Proving that they are not only strong orienteers, but also strong paddlers, they flew through the first 12 km of the course giving themselves a comfortable lead that carried them through the whole race.

Close behind Screemin' Fury for the entire canoe section was The Nether Valley Yodelers. This team of newbies surprised the whole field with their adept paddling skills. Nonetheless, it's not just a canoe race; 30kms of mountain biking and some tough orienteering was yet to come.

The mountain biking began with a steep climb straight up Blue Mountain. This was the true test of brawn. While the several teams managed to ride up the entire mountain, the majority of the field gave up after less than a minute and pushed their bikes up the rest of the way.

At the top of the mountain, the teams were greeted by fast single track. In and out of the forest, teams navigated over the top of several ski resorts and eventually located the surprise test. Using a local farmer's field, teams had to move bales of hay across the overgrown terrain. The majority of our city-dwelling competitors were surprised by how much teamwork was needed just to budge the heavy crop.

The orienteering portion of the course was the true test of adventure racing savvy. Some teams searched for hours to locate Checkpoint 4, whereas seasoned navigators such as Team Rogue in the services division took a bearing and located the CP in minutes. After a couple hours of bushwhacking, several teams felt that CP 4 wasn't worth the effort and moved onto Checkpoint 5. Others, however persevered so that they would not be disqualified.

Within 4 hours and 25 minutes of the start, Screeming Fury could be seen racing down the hill towards the Toronto Ski Club finish line to become the overall winners of the Subaru / Hi-Tec Enduro Adventure Race in Collingwood, ON. As they were racing in the Open Category, we were still waiting for our first Coed Enduro finishers.

Team Beowulf, Rob Miller, Sami Al-hussieni and Dorota Raciborska, won their first Subaru / Hi-Tec Adventure Race, Coed Category, in a time 4 hours and 58 minutes also placing them in 2nd overall. In hot pursuit, first time adventure racers, but local favourites, King Sol Outfitters stormed through the finish line to give them a strong second place coed finish. Only five minutes behind King Sol was Team Inertia. Long time competitors in the series, this was their best effort yet placing third in the Coed division.

The play of the day was Team Tigers in the Woods. After struggling with their sunken canoe and losing quite a bit of time in the water, they managed to pull it together and finish in a solid 12th place in the Open division. Now that's perseverance!

The Subaru / Hi-Tec Adventure Race Series presented by Old Spice Red Zone is hosting 10 adventure races this season in four Canadian markets. From Vancouver to Montreal, the Series is the largest national adventure race series in Canada. Over 1000 athletes will compete throughout the season for the title of national champions, to be determined in Muskoka, September 2000.

1 Team Beowulf 4:58 (hrs:mins)
2 King Sol Outfitters 5:00
3 Team Inertia 5:05

1 Screemin' Fury 4:25
2 Team Volvic 5:20
3 FUBAR 5:34

1 Team Rogue 5:37
2 Waterloo Regional Javalinas 6:14
3 York Cyclone 6:36

Parisien l'emporte et Dionne est toujours en jaune

Lachine (DIAPO) - Comme se fut le cas de nombreuses fois cette saison, l'étape des Mardis cyclistes de Lachine a été ponctuée d'une chute dans le peloton. Malgré cet incident fâcheux, Charles Dionne et Alexandre Cloutier de l'équipe Volkswagen ont été en mesure de consolider leurs première et troisième places au classement général. Sur le podium de l'étape, deux juniors occupent les deux premières marches soit François Parisien (Saeco) et Dominique Rollin (Espoirs de Laval), alors que Alexandre Cloutier termine au troisième rang.

" Notre (Cloutier et Dionne) but ce soir était de continuer de monter au classement général, a indiqué Cloutier. Alors que j'étais en échappée avec trois autres coureurs (Parisien, Rollin et Jean-François Racine (Ste-Foy), une chute est survenue dans le peloton. À ce moment, nous avions une avance d'une vingtaine de secondes. Les officiels ont décidé de ralentir le peloton, mais pas le groupe d'échappée, ce qui fait que notre avance a grimpé à 50 secondes lorsque la course a recommencé. Nous n'avons pas la victoire d'étape, mais je suis bien content pour l'équipe et j'ai très hâte à la semaine prochaine ! "

Circonstance plutôt bizarre, si on en croit les propos de Charles Dionne, qui a terminé cinquième de l'étape : " C'est reparti tout croche, a-t-il mentionné. Cette situation nous avantageait (l'équipe Volkswagen) car Alexandre (Cloutier) était en avant, mais je trouve ça plate pour tout le monde. J'espère que tout sera rentré dans l'ordre la semaine prochaine car ça nuit à la course. Que ça joue du coude dans le peloton, ça va, mais que ça joue du coude sans être capable de conduire le vélo, là ça cause problèmes. "

Comme mentionné ci-dessus, Dionne détient toujours le maillot jaune de leader avec 284 points. Czeslaw Lukasewicz (Espoirs de Laval) est deuxième avec 211 points, alors que Alexandre Cloutier (202 points) suit en troisième place.

La lutte s'annonce acharnée pour la dernière étape qui sera présentée la semaine prochaine. Fait important au cours de ce dernier rendez-vous, le pointage sera doublé. " Nous sommes en très bonne position, a expliqué Alexandre Cloutier. Charles (Dionne) en tête et moi troisième, Lukasewicz n'aura d'autre choix que de nous avoir tous les deux à l'oeil. "

Les autres membres de l'équipe Volkswagen, Fabien Bergeron, Pierre Chevrier, Pascal Choquette, Martin Nuckle, Martin Saint-Laurent et Marc-André Salois ont terminé dans le peloton.

Mathieu Laberge

Des extraits sonores de Alexandre Cloutier et de Charles Dionne sont disponibles à L’Agence DIAPO.

West Coast, Specialized, Oakley et OGC sont partenaires de l’équipe Volkswagen.


Mathieu Laberge
L'Agence service des athlètes 24 heures par jour
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