Canadian Cyclist


August 7/15 11:30 am - APRC Pro Riders Union Receives Financial Support

Posted by Editor on 08/7/15

The Association of North American Professional Road Cyclists (ANAPRC) has announced that Scott Tedro, CEO of Sho-Air International and Ridebiker Alliance, has made a contribution to ANAPRC matching the annual dues already paid by ANAPRC members. Tedro has also committed additional expertise and resources from his companies to assist ANAPRC in its efforts to make the CPA international riders union more professional and effective.

"Scott's support comes at a critical time for this project," said ANAPRC President Christian Vande Velde. "After 8 months as a member of the CPA we have identified key areas where we can work with the CPA to make major gains for the peloton, and now we have the resources to execute."

ANAPRC's immediate focus is the negotiation of a new Joint Agreement with the AIGCP, improvements to the CPA Solidarity Fund, and the peloton's input to the UCI Reform Working Group.

"For years I have felt the riders need a strong union and I'm glad riders are finally doing something about it. Cycling physically is the toughest thing I've ever done. As long as I've been following the sport, I've felt that riders are constantly exposed to troubles and dangers that should be better managed. They need an independent organization like ANAPRC that can better represent their opportunities in the overall business of the sport," said Tedro. "All of my cycling projects are built with the athlete and cycling community at the center and I am thrilled to support the ANAPRC and help them professionalize their operations."

Tedro will also contribute his experience as a successful business owner-operator to ANAPRC's Task Force studying non-salary benefits for pro cyclists, including the CPA's Solidarity Fund - a one-time payment to pro riders when they retire from their racing careers. ANAPRC successfully used the Task Force model in the 2014 offseason to propose a new Extreme Weather Protocol which led to the UCI pilot program at the Giro which will be part of the UCI regulations in 2016.

"Among other things, our non-salary benefits Task Force is generating proposals to fortify and grow the CPA's Solidarity Fund to help riders make the transition to life after bike racing," said Michael Carcaise, Executive Director of ANAPRC. "Scott's experience and outside-the-box thinking will be a huge asset and I look forward to announcing the Task Force's recommendations."

About the ANAPRC: The Association of North American Professional Road Cyclists ( was formed in October 2014 and gained membership to the CPA in November 2014. ANAPRC represents U.S. and Canadian licensed pros employed by ProTour and ProContinental teams, and exists to advance the interests of its members as professional cyclists.


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