Canadian Cyclist


September 7/15 9:05 am - Cycling Canada Reacts to Clara Hughes Revelation of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation

Posted by Editoress on 09/7/15

Cycling Canada was contacted by Clara Hughes on August 27, 2015 and told that she would be releasing a biography on September 8, 2015 containing a revelation of a previously non-disclosed anti-doping rule violation.  
Clara Hughes provided Cycling Canada with a copy of the manuscript excerpt which reveals that she had tested positive for the banned substance ephedrine in 1994 and further indicates that she was notified of this by the then National Team Director who had received the notice of a three month sanction from the UCI (the International Cycling Union).  The description of this matter in the biography says that it was intentionally kept quiet among Clara and the three people specifically named by her.
While the practices in relation to the disclosure of anti-doping rule violations are substantially different today compared to 1994 when neither WADA (World Anti-doping Agency) nor CCES (Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport – Canada’s National Anti-doping Organization) existed, Cycling Canada cannot condone how this matter was handled at the time by any of those involved.  Regardless of the practices of the day, Cycling Canada believes in full, fair and open disclosure of all doping related offences.  We remain fully committed to the principles of fair play and rigid compliance with the WADA Code.  Cycling Canada is proud of its current role as a leader in the anti-doping movement and remains committed to learning from the mistakes of the past so we don’t make them again.

Note:  We received a pre-release copy of Clara's autobiography, and will be posting our review soon.


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