Canadian Cyclist


August 15/00 9:34 am - Canada Cup Final Standings for Junior XC

Posted by Editor on 08/15/00

Canada Cup Standings - Junior XC
(courtesy Brett Stewart - CCA)

These are the Final Junior Expert standings. Please note the following criteria to be ranked:

1. The best results, to a maximum of three out of five, will count toward the points total for each rider.
2. It is mandatory to start the Canada Cup final.
3. A minimum of three athletes must have competed in at least three events for a category to be considered eligible.
4. In the event of a tie on points, the rider with the better result at the Canada Cup final will be declared the winner.

Junior Expert Men
RankLast/First NameProvinceClub/SponsorTotal PointsCC # 1 - ONCC # 2 - QCCC # 3 - SKCC # 4 - ABFinal - BC
1Douglas, JaimieBCRocky MTN Bicycles300100*100100100
2Savoy, RyanONRocky MTN Bicycles22037*7010050
3Routley, WillBCRocky MTN Bicycles20432*853485
4McLeod, LeithMBOlympia Cycle18040*707040
5Laird, GrantABERTC River Valley17125*608526
6Elgar, AndrewONOGC / Gary Fisher16527*456060
7Douglas, MattONBay Cycle Racing124306027*34
8Batty, EricONBay Cycle Racing119405029
9Bunnin, ShawnSKTrek111452145
10Watson, AndrewONBike Depot Racing111452937
11Morrison, CarlAB97344023
12Case, IanMBTeam Manitoba95402827
13Chung, ChengABRocky Mtn Bike n' Board955045DNF
14Wright, GraemeABRocky Mtn Bike n' Board8621*263030
15Day, GregBasic Sports7070
16Sigston, BenBCSobe / Headshock7070DNF
17Pittman, KeirABEurotech693732
18Kowalchuk, JarymBCJava Racing512625
19Lazarski, SimonONEarls Cycle492128
20Crawford, ChrisONWaterloo Flying Dogs462224
21Connely, KyleONTeam GT / Bike Depot4622240
22McGuiness, Fred3232DNF
23Casey, GlenBC30300
24Gavin, DuncanBCDizzy Cycles26260
25Garnett, TerryBCSobe / Headshock23230
26Blackwell, DerekBCBike Barn2323DNF
27Harriman, MatthewRocky Cycle2222
28Morris, EvanRocky Cycle2121
Non-title Canada Cup standing
LaFontaine, MartinQCPerigny Velo1355085
Sneddon, KrisBC8585
Fillion, JulienQCIntersport / Colaber792950
Begin, FrancoisQCOxygene713437
Steenaerts, PeterABEurotech613229
Beauchemin, EmmanuelQCGary Fisher6060
Robert, SebastienQCLavie Sportive562234
Huges, AdamMBA & L Cycle3737
Brabant, TheoQC3232
Poulin, XavierQC3030
Dyck, DanSKEstevan Cycling Club2929
St-Germain, VincentQCTrek / Volkswagen2828
Parent, HugoQCPremier Tech2828
McCraig, ScottSKNorthern Bush Rastas2828
Kuczynski, ArthurQC2727
Acheson, JayAB2727
Donais, HugoQCGiant2626
Soon, MattABERTC River Valley2525
Vachon, BrunoQC2525
Oneschuk, JimmySKMarin2525
Roth, RyanONWoodstock CC2424
Marquis, RichardQC2424
Krieck, JamesON2323
Junior Expert Women
RankLast/First NameProvinceClub/SponsorTotal PointsCC # 1 - ONCC # 2 - QCCC # 3 - SKCC # 4 - ABFinal - BC
1Mawdsley, AngieONNorco25570*8510070
2Tarlton, StephanieONRocky MTN Bicycles2004037*1006037*
3Yoisten, LauraABThe Bike Shop1708585
4Feldman, MartinaBCFact Canada15050100
5Sneddon, AnnaBC1207050
6Boekel, RachelABRebound Cycle905040
7Henry, KatarinaSun Country Cycle6060
8Zirnhelt, AmberRed Shreds4545
Non-title Canada Cup Standing
Sanders, JulieQCSubaru / Specialized18585100
Hardie, Rae-AnneMBA & L Cycles1308545
Galbraith, CydneyONKona1154570
Drew, EricaBCPhysical Culture100100
Coney, HelenaONHigh Country823745
Bisson, EstelleQCRecord / TVA743440
Gauvin, StefanieQC6060
Jobin, Anne-MarieQCOryx6060
Vaillancourt, AudreyQCSubaru / Specialized5050
Turcotte, GabrielleQCGTH / Cannondale3232


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