Canadian Cyclist


August 15/00 9:57 am - Canada Cup Final Standings for Elite Men XC

Posted by Editor on 08/15/00

Canada Cup Standings - Elite Men XC
(courtesy Brett Stewart - CCA)

These are the Final Elite Men standings. Please note the following criteria to be ranked:

1. The best results, to a maximum of three out of five, will count toward the points total for each rider.
2. It is mandatory to start the Canada Cup final.
3. A minimum of three athletes must have competed in at least three events for a category to be considered eligible.
4. In the event of a tie on points, the rider with the better result at the Canada Cup final will be declared the winner.

Elite Men
RankLast/First NameProvinceClub/SponsorTotal PointsCC # 1 - ONCC # 2 - QCCC # 3 - SKCC # 4 - ABFinal - BC
1Hestler, AndreasBCTeam Ford / Devinci540130*200200140
2Tourville, EricQCOryx / Procycle480110*140200140130*
3Wedge, PeterNBKona Factory Team415140155120
4Hurley, BillQCOryx / Procycle410115155140DNF
5Sonntag, MarcBCKona Factory Team3809080*175115
6Hine, JulianONSchwinn / Toyota Canada35595*10015510085*
7Kabush, GeoffBCKona Factory Team355155200
8Lega, RoddiABGreen MTN Cycle32064*85*13085105
9Ingham, RyanBCSun Country Cycle29518*8513080
10Schnyder, RuediBCNorco29075*9011090
11Elzinga, AdrianBCJava Cycle28411010569
12Cousineau, MarcBCCove Bike Shop27071*7512075
13Decore, MatthewABMarin26550115100
14Hubregtse, MennoSKTrek2581209543
15Sebel, DylanBCOGC / Fisher25748*9011547*52
16Penner, GregMBTeam Manitoba24933*959064
17Robert, Jean-FrancoisQCOGC / Gary Fisher2316212049DNF
18Toulouse, MathieuQCFord - Devinci230120110
19Hesjedal, RyderBCGary Fisher / Saab200200DNF
20Sneddon, KrisBC18010575DNF
21Odegaard, PeterBCKona177716244
22Green, RolandBCGT International175175
23Miles, ChadBCCorse Cycles175175DNF
24Kuncewicz, RafalABSport Shack172695449
25Barns, JonONShoppers Drug Market17139*596643*46
26Bolstad, JeffABEurotech17110071DNF
27MacDonald, DanielBCBasic Sports Nutrition162428040
28McClennon, BrianBCCMC Bow Cycle15940*366954
29Ward, DanielABTeam Bike Shop156803442
30Grover, NeilMBRocky Mtn Bicycles155155
31Oliver, TimONExit Realty / Giant152465842*48
32Shenkariuk, JasonABERTC145644833
33Ruddy, DanaABBow Cycle / Kona1376671
34Lepine, JoeONBicycles Plus121323158DNF
35Patterson, MattONOGC / Gary Fisher1185662
36Weber, JeffONGears Racing1145460
37Sauve, NeilQCRocky Mtn Bicycles110305426
38Crewe, DavidABEurotech1106050DNF
39Capela, CarlosBCCyclepath1096445
40Robertson, DonABBicycle Café1016041
41Hovey, CarterDiamondback9595
42Skinner, ThomasONBike Depot Racing9529*293630
43McArthur, BrookONGT Canada92123446DNF
44Cooke, BrianABCafé Racers874047
45Farthing, RobbieABKona865828
46Daniel, PaulUnlimited Cycle744529
47Tomsic, DaveONKHS Bicycles743539DNF
48Orr, DerekABTerrascape Racing684127
49Bakker, OsmundON6666
50Kyle, AndrewOGC / Gary Fisher5858
51Federau, RickyBCRocky Mtn Bicycles5656
52Boehm, MichaelBCRocky Mtn Bicycles532231
53Hodgson, FredArrowsmith Mountain5050
54Jetz, Dave3939
55Hewitt, MathewCove Bike Shop3838
56Grasby, JeremyBonzai3737
57Lynem, NickBike Pedlars3636
58Vunic, DavidOGC / Gary Fisher3535
59Wallace, WadeABPedalhead3535DNF
60Kornell, JamieRoach3434
61Jones, PatrickGiant / Roach3232
62Powsey, Matthew2525
Non-title Canada Cup Standings
Darveau, MathieuQCTrek / Volkswagen19080110
Tcherkasson, PavelVT175175
Mcgrath, SeamusONHaro / Troy Lee175175
Lafontaine, BrunoQCPerigny Velo1646995
Bishop, AndyVTGary Fisher / Saab130130
Provost, Jean-PhilippeQC1296069
Carbonneau, IainQCOGC / Gary Fisher1185662
Nuckle, MartinQC115115
Sutherland, DavidABCafé Racers1146252
Sanschagrin, StephaneQCOxygene Sports1104466
Reain, GregONSultans of Spin1105852
Blanchard, ChrisABRiver Valley Cycle1074760
Lapoint, DavidQCOGC / Gary Fisher105105
Curran, LucasONIntense105105
Hall, JoshONKHS Bicycles100100
Meunier, VincentQCDurand Sport994554
Boyko, GordieSKGene's Cycle935637
Wheeler, ZacONTrek894148
Marshall, DanONChain Reaction Bike883850
Laroche, Jean-FrancoisQCTeam Ford / Devinci8585
Christoffersson, NicolasABLifesport8080
Collins, PatNSBody Science743737
Hittel, DustinON722547
Derosiers, LucQC7171
Smit, RoderickONKHS Bicycles663135
Martindill, MatthewONOGC / Gary Fisher6666
Visser, GeorgeQCOryx / Procycle6464
Jobin. JeromeQCDrand Sport591940
Tetreault, RobinQC5656
Hirst, MikeONMaple Partners5252
Jakomait, JesseONDuke of Windsor4949
Thibeault, BenjaminQCLa Cordee4646
Lavallee, PhilippeQC4545
Yez, PeterAB4444
Havilland, KevinONGears Racing441727
Abbe, ZacharieQCRocky Mtn Bicycles4444
Morse, PeterONTrek4343
Larochelle, MikeONKHS Bicycles4343
Calrleton, TimothyONKHS Bicycles431528
Spadaccini, PaulONTeam Oryx4242
Morneau, GillesQCRocky Mtn Bicycles4141
Brown, TravisONSilent Sport401426
Crookham, JasonON3939
Osinchuk, ScottABPedalhead3838
Hawkes, CraigONGears Racing3838
Wade, AdamONOGC / Gary Fisher3636
Robertson, WarrenONTrek3434
Weinert, JeffMI3333
Bilodeau, MartinQCGT Canada3232
Roubal, JanONTrek3030
Gonsalves, RoryWIPuff Rider2828
Faulkner, JustinON2727
Dennis, MichaelONSpeed River Bicycles2626
Usborne, MatthewBCOryx 2424
Noiles, KevinNSRocky Mtn Bicycles2323
Wallace, KevinONGears Racing2121
Elghazal, ImadONNorco2020
Burke, MichaelONNorco1616
Martinen, WilliamON1313


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