Canadian Cyclist


August 15/00 10:14 am - Junior DH Canada Cup Standings

Posted by Editor on 08/15/00

Canada Cup Standings - Junior DH
(courtesy Brett Stewart - CCA)

These are the Junior standings. Please note the following criteria to be ranked:

1. The best results, to a maximum of three out of five, will count toward the points total for each rider.
2. It is mandatory to start the Canada Cup final.
3. A minimum of three athletes must have competed in at least three events for a category to be considered eligible.
4. In the event of a tie on points, the rider with the better result at the Canada Cup final will be declared the winner.

Junior Expert Men
RankLast/First NameProvinceClub/SponsorTotal PointsCC # 1 - QCCC # 2 - ONCC # 3 - QCCC # 4 - BCFinal - BC
1Lunn, JordieBCSanta Cruz / Giro300100100100
2Laurin, MathieuQCSernier Plein Air25570*858585
3Nielsen, MatthewONSchwinn / Toyota2073734*10070
4Biggy, KyleABCafé Racers180606060
5Rioux, DanyQC180855045
6Houle, GuillaumeBC170507050
7Blais, BengaminQC129342570
8Morin-Moisan, MattQC11426*453732
9Lunn, CraigBCSanta Cruz / Giro110404030
10Sioui-Moar, KwanahQCLe Pedaller1003070
11Labelle, Marc-OlivierQC99452232
12Caya, Jean-MichelQCVO291282340
13Berger, PaulONSpokes N' Slopes89233234
14Dagenais, MarcusONSpokes N' Slopes86322826
15Dick, RoryNorco80272726
16McNabb, BenONCT / Kamikaze68222323
17Danyluk, AndrewON662937
18Benoit, KevinQCVO2572730
19Rinke, JaredABNouvelle Cycle5050
20Eller, BrianBCNorco Factory Team4545
21Gagnon, RaphaelQC452124
22Kuiack, Eric4040
23Walker, JeremiahBCFresh Air Experience3737
24Kesten, SamCAChumba Wumba3434
25Jarc, Aaron3030
26Meier, JeffBC2929
27Fafard, VincentQC2929
28Skinner, DanBike Depot Racing2929
29Adams, JessiBCMarin2828
30Marks, AaronON2828
31Walton, MarcABBicycle Café2727
32Paton, Andy2626
33Banks, JamesABReaction Racing2525
34Morningstar, ErickMITeam Lenz Sport2525
35Denis, GuillaumeQCSentier Plein Air2525
36Holmes, Brad2424
37Steele, JamieKHS / Roach2424
38Copping, DougQCGiant2424
39MacKay, MartyBC2222
40l'Abbee, JonathanQCSt-Antoine Bike2222
41Sumerville, Cam 2121
Junior Expert Women
RankLast/First NameProvinceClub/SponsorTotal PointsCC # 1 - QCCC # 2 - ONCC # 3 - QCCC # 4 - BCFinal - BC
1Lobodzinski, KatherineONKHS Bicycles300100100100
2Zirnhelt, AmberBC8585
3Martin MakaraABOryx / Cyclepath7070


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