Canadian Cyclist


November 19/15 18:15 pm - Single Speed Cross World Champs this Weekend in Victoria

Posted by Editor on 11/19/15

Just in case you did not know....the WORLD Single Speed Cyclocross Championships are in Victoria this weekend. This is the FIRST time that this "World Champs" has been held outside of the USA. More than anything it is a FUN TIME.

Today (Thursday) at 11:00pm is the latest you can register for the event. If you are not participating in the event you can also come out to some of the social functions or to the "race" part on Sunday at the former Cross on the Rock venue at Western Speedway.

More information and registration at

Expert SS racer Parker Bloom from Broad Street Cycles made up a short Q&A for anyone that wanted more information.

What exactly is this alleged Single Speed Cyclocross World Championships that is descending upon my city?

A weekend-long social occasion with a sprinkling of cyclocross racing on bikes with one gear. This is the ninth iteration of an event that started in Portland OR, and has since been hosted in a number of different cities throughout 'Merica.

SSCXWC is a real tongue-in-cheek countercultural cycling event. This year, we are proud to be bringing it to Victoria, its first international setting.

When is this happening? What does the schedule look like?

THURSDAY November 19th: Registration closes at 11pm.

SATURDAY November 21st: The Feats of Strength group ride begins at about 11am. Registered riders will be broken into groups of about 15 racers, from all different hometowns, and towed throughout Victoria by a local ride leader. Between intermittent 'hydration' stops, riders will tasked with completing feats of cyclocross-strength at a number of checkpoints. Think hill climbs on single speed bikes, ridiculous sand sections, and some elbow-to-elbow mini races.

That evening Giro is hosting a kickoff party for the event. With roller sprints (Google it!), Hoyne beer, and live music lined up, it should get racers into that festive spirit. As well, the LAST CHANCE QUALIFIER alleycat race goes down at 9pm for one last opportunity to make Sunday's main race.

SUNDAY November 22nd: 11am-4pm. Western Speedway, Langford. Show up, check out our crazy course, grab some food from the excellent vendors on hand, including Caravan Cuisine and Wanna Wafel. Get ready to race, or cheer/ heckle your favourite SSCX'ers as they duke it out.

12:30pm - Everyone's NOT a Winner. The consolation "Open" race.
1:30pm - Women's championship event
2:30pm - Men's championship event

The entry fee is a hundred bucks. Isn't that expensive?

We think it's great value for a weekend of events. With group rides being arranged for Friday, parties every evening, a killer qualifier in the Feats of Strength ride, and of course the grandiose event on Sunday.

Plus, racers receive a bunch of schwag from our excellent sponsors, including Hoyne brewing, Wolf Tooth components, Nuun, etc. And Hoyne beer tickets. Did we mention the beer tickets?!?

I've got a great cylcocross bike. But it has gears. How hard is it to set up a SSCX for the weekend?

Easy-peasy. Start by bringing the bike down to your LBS. Likely the easiest fix is a single speed cog & spacer kit (Approx. $65) combined with an inverted shift cable that tensions your derailleur to sit where it needs to be. Adjust the limit screws to keep it all in place, and BAM.

Any secret insights into the 'winning gear' ratio?

Somewhere in the 55-62 gear inch range is cozy.
39x18 is a good starting place.
Bump down a tooth on your cog size if you are feeling tough as nails.

There are rumours of mandatory costumes. What's the scoop?

Get clever with it. SSCXWC doesn't like to have too many rules. But be warned: the winners will probably be wearing some ridiculous outfit. You really don't want to be the only one ripping around in a silly skinsuit, do you?

Will the race course differ from our usual Cross on the Rock style of racing?

Same kind of idea. But instead of nanaimo-bar hand ups, think Tequila shot shortcuts, and maybe more jumps, berms and whups.

"World Championships" sounds kind of intense. What if I don't want to race against the fast guys?

The Saturday Feats of Strength ride will seed racers into either the Championship event, or the Everyone's NOT a Winner race. If you feel like ripping it up on Sunday, go hard on Saturday. If you want to race the NOT a Winner race, have fun on Saturday, but maybe make a couple of extra tall-can stops.

What if I don't qualify in the Feats of Strength ride? Can I somehow make the Championship race selection?

The LAST CHANCE QUALIFIER! An alleycat race Saturday night. Leaving from the Giro Pre Race Party at 9pm. Super short, super fast. Hit all the checkpoints and get back in the first couple of riders.

The Feats of Strength Qualifier is scheduled for Saturday. I'm working/ busy/ doing super serious interval training that day. Can I still race if I miss this?

Probably. We'd love it if you come out for the whole weekend, but life gets in the way. Drop us an e-mail at, and we can try to arrange for a starting spot in Sunday's non-championship race.

I'm not foolish enough to want to race. But I want to come spectate. Where do I go and when?

Western Speedway. 12pm-4pm. Bring refreshments, and money for food vendors. Bring a mega-phone and rubber boots. Maybe bacon-wrapped marshmallows to hand to racers?

Is there an e-mail address that I can send questions/ e-heckles/ kudos/ concerns to?

Courtesy COTR


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