Canadian Cyclist


November 21/15 11:31 am - viaSport Launches #LeveltheField Inclusion Campaign (B.C.)

Posted by Editoress on 11/21/15

#LEVELTHEFIELD is a province-wide movement that will work to create a more inclusive sport culture in BC by targeting gender equity, the LGBTQ2+ community, accessibility, socioeconomic inclusion, and cultural diversity.

On November 17th, viaSport implemented the first advocacy phase: gender equity in sport.

This first phase of the #LEVELTHEFIELD campaign supports gender equity and the inclusion of girls and women in sport and physical activity in British Columbia.

Gender equity represents fair and unbiased opportunities for all - however, it is typically still girls and women who are underrepresented in areas of sport participation, coaching, officiating, sport administration, and leadership. #LEVELTHEFIELD will work to address gender equity in the following categories:

• ON THE FIELD - athletes and participants
• CALLING THE SHOTS - coaches and officials
• AROUND THE TABLE - board members, executives, and sport leaders

Visit ViaSport's #LevelTheField: Gender Equity page to learn more, to create change in your program or organization, and to meet the ambassadors already advocating for this issue.


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