Canadian Cyclist


December 18/15 10:08 am - McNeely Launches Sneaky Socks

Posted by Editoress on 12/18/15

Evan McNeely, a member of the national mountain bike team, and a racer for the Norco Factory Team, has launched Sneaky Socks. It is clear that Evan will be putting his engineering degree to good use by becoming a sock designer alongside his racing career.

Sneaky Socks specializes in stand-out, one-of-a-kind sock designs that will leave all of your friends really jealous. When wearing these socks, you may receive such popular comments as, "Golly, you are looking awfully fly today" or "Damn, you look good."




You see, sock doping is a real a thing. It can make you go faster without being a dirty cheat that should be banned for life. Our mantra is 'Look good, feel good. Feel good, go fast.' Dope socks make you look good and, according to this proven formula, you will then go faster in direct proportion.

Sneaky Socks is starting out with just two, wicked-awesome sock designs with more planned to come down the pipe, or chimney.

Visit the Sneaky Socks store to literally stuff your stockings with stockings []. Use the coupon code CDNCYCLIST to receive $1.50 of your order until January 5th.




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