Canadian Cyclist


January 4/16 12:13 pm - 2016 WADA Prohibited List Effective January 1st

Posted by Editor on 01/4/16

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) would like to alert the Canadian sport community that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2016 Prohibited List came into effect on January 1, 2016.

Notable modifications include:

• Insulin-mimetics were added to category S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators, to include all insulin-receptor agonists.
• Meldonium (mildronate) was added to category S4. "because of evidence of its use by athletes with the intention of enhancing performance."
• It was clarified that the ophthalmic use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (S5. Diuretics and Masking Agents) is permitted.
• It was clarified that clonidine (S6. Stimulants) is permitted.
• The International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) was removed from the list of sports prohibiting alcohol (P1. Alcohol) as a doping agent, and FIM "will address the use of alcohol using their own regulations".

For the complete summary of modifications to the 2016 Prohibited List, along with other details, visit

Athletes can verify the prohibited status of their medication(s) using the following CCES resources which were updated on January 1, 2016 to reflect the new Prohibited List:

• Global DRO:
• CCES Athlete Zone:
• E-mail:
• Info Line: 1-800-672-7775

For prohibited substances that require a therapeutic use exemption, athletes subject to doping control should consult the CCES or their international federation to get complete information on the application process:

• The CCES Medical Exemption Wizard ( can help athletes find out if they need to apply for an exemption for their prescribed medication, what to include in it and where to submit the application.

• E-mail to


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