Canadian Cyclist


January 7/16 10:23 am - Parcours Institute to Offer Program in Individual Modules

Posted by Editor on 01/7/16

Parcours Institute Inc. would like to announce the availability of its Professional Rider Certificate in separate modules.

"We initially launched the program as one complete package because we wanted people to understand that all the content was linked and part of one certification," explains Managing Director Zach Bell. "However we always knew that this would not be the only way we would offer the content. This offering model is part of that larger plan to make this content as accessible as possible. Many young athletes have other demands on their time and finances and we want these programs to be just as available to them."

With this new offering athletes balancing these demands can now apply to participate in one or more of the three individual modules of the certification. This will allow athletes who cannot attend the full intensive in one session to earn the certification over an extended time period.

"The content and final certification will be the same, and offer the same benefits and will even run at the same time. Athletes who choose to earn the certificate this way will just have to complete all 3 modules by attending later offerings," said Bell.

The Modules are divided into topic-specific 10 day camps; the same camps that are part of the 5 week intensive. Stage 1 revolves around public image management and sponsorship relationships with base training and on bike domestique skills. Stage 2 focuses on nutrition and fueling your body in a safe and healthy way while providing intensity training focused on technical racing skills. Finally, Stage 3 focuses on Race preparation and the business of cycling where athletes will learn how to get the most out of their training and their results to land that contract.

"Ideally, an athlete would still take all these pieces at the same time but we understand that young athletes are not all working with the ideal situation," said Bell. "That doesn't mean they should not have the same tools available to get to the next level. By offering the certification one piece at a time we hope to make it available to both groups simultaneously. Athletes who want to invest in a big way upfront and have the freedom to do that can apply for our Intensive 5 week package. Athletes who want to get there but have obligations that make the Intensive out of the question can still access the personal development opportunities available at Parcours in a more flexible way."

Each individual stage will cost $2000 USD and include housing, ride and post-ride support, and all of the taught material in that camp. A new application is available via the online web form at Simply apply for the Professional Rider program and you will be sent an application form that will ask you to identify which module you are interested in.


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