Canadian Cyclist


January 24/16 13:01 pm - Study of BMXers Suggests Mindfulness Training Improves Performance

Posted by Editor on 01/24/16

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience suggests that 'mindfulness training' can improve an athlete's ability to focus and perform well in competitive situations. The athletes underwent a seven week program (two full day sessions and six weekly 90 minute sessions) of mindfulness training.

The study involved seven elite US BMX athletes, who underwent mPEAK [Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness and Knowledge] training that included anticipation and loaded breathing. In the study mindfulness was identified as "the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment".

The athletes were monitored by functional MRI recordings before and after the mindfulness training while undertaking a task, and the results (self-reporting by the athletes) suggest that they had increased attention to bodily signals and greater neural processing, which would optimize performance in high intensity competition.

Read the full study Here.


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