Canadian Cyclist


January 27/16 11:48 am - Third Annual Dundas Bike Swap (Ontario)

Posted by Editoress on 01/27/16

The Dundas Bike Swap is returning for its third edition on February 20th. The event will be held at the St Paul's Church Hall in Dundas, Ontario, on Saturday, February 20th, Noon - 5:00 pm.

Individuals can rent a table for $20, and industry members (shops, reps, distributors, etc.) for $100. Entry for non-exhibitors requires a minimum $2.00 charitable contribution.

Last year, the event was crammed with people, selling and swapping kit and equipment they no longer had a use for. Rent a table and clear out the old and maybe pick up a few new things while you're at it, or drop by and maybe get that wheelset for your beater bike, or some extra tires.

To sell you need to pre-register in order to rent a table, by e-mailing




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