Canadian Cyclist


August 26/00 4:27 am - Ontario Race info, Nova Scotia Results

Posted by Editoress on 08/26/00

Year 2000 Pinnacle Sport End of Summer Cycling Challenge

Pinnacle Sports and the Sudbury Cycling Club are again co-sponsoring a two day cycling event to be held in Sudbury on Saturday, September 2nd and Sunday, September 3rd. Saturday's event organized by Pinnacle Sports is a 13 km time trial in Lively (no bike restrictions), while Sunday's event organized by the Sudbury Cycling Club will include 35-50 km criterium racing at Delki Dozzi Cycling Track (road bikes only). The cost is $5.00 per day per person and prizes and cash will be awarded for category top finishers. Racers 14 years and older are welcome to register and approved helmets are mandatory for all events. Registration for Saturday's time trial will be between 8:00 am and 8:30 am at the arena in Lively & for Sunday registration will be between 11:00 am and 11:30 noon at Delki Dozzi Park with racing commencing between 12:00 and 12:30 noon. In addition to these competitive races, on Sunday a short children's race (with treats afterwards) and a Citizen's race (for first time racers - no bike restrictions) will also be held at the Delki Dozzi Cycling Track. Registration for these events will be at 10:30 am and is free to participants. Come challenge yourself against some of the best riders in the North or simply race against the clock. Race categories and distances may be subject to change. For more information call Pinnacle Sports at ( 705) 523-7400.


Frank Battaion, President/Assistant Coach Sudbury Cycling Club Inc.

Lunenburg Swashbuckler Race Results
BNS MTB Series Race #5 - August 20, 2000
Courtesy Mark Foster

Senior Elite Men: 6 Laps /38.4 km
1Terry TomlinSobe-Headshok2:26:16
2Jason EaglesBicycles Plus2:26:17
3Pat CollinsBike People2:26:48
4Lorenzo CateriniBike People2:29:47
5Colin GashBike People2:44:15
6Kevin NoilesSportwheelsDNF
Senior Expert Women: 4 Laps - 25.6 km
1Lisa McInnisBike People1:55:08
2Sherry HuybersSingletrack Mudpack1:58:30
Junior Expert Men: 5 Laps - 32 km
1Mark FosterKona/Cyclesmith2:06:38
2Dustin MacBurnieSpokebenders2:08:29
3Robert OvermarsIND2:16:19
4Will WongBike People2:20:36
5Greg KerrKona/Cyclesmith2:26:48
6Ian CoxBike PeopleDNF
Senior Sport Men: 4 Laps - 25.6 km
1David StachonCyclesmith1:44:55
2Michael LawrenceCyclesmith1:45:25
3Nathan St. OngeIND1:48:47
4Jan-Mark VanderleestIND1:50:28
5Connor ScallionSpokebenders1:56:22
6Robert KlueCyclesmith1:57:33
7Shawn SkelhornBike People2:01:01
8John O'ReillyBike People2:01:02
9James AtwoodIND2:06:47
10Michael LabradorBike People2:15:33
11Mike StrongIND2:27:48
12Matthieu MorfordBike People2:33:32
13Garth GorehamIND2:42:48
14Paul BelhumeurCyclesmithDNF
Senior Sport Women: 3 Laps - 19.2 km
1Holly MeadowsInd1:59:45
Master Sport Men: 3 Laps - 19.2 km
1Peter CampbellValley Stove1:15:05
2Doug MacDougallInd1:24:57
3Richard FoyGreenwood1:28:32
4Brian ScallionSpokebenders1:28:45
5Jim FosterInd1:30:54
6Wade SimpsonVeloraptors1:31:08
7Scott SmithBike People1:33:24
8Brian Duffy Cyclesmith1:56:33
9David WalkerVeloraptors2:01:09
10Steve SaundersCyclesmith2:11:53
Veteran Sport Men: 3 Laps - 19.2 km
1Bob BustinCyclesmith1:26:28
2Dan PothierInd1:31:06
3Chris WaldronBike People1:32:52
4Derrick FinneySportwheels1:38:00
5Jan-Peter DeScuzaCyclesmith1:40:51
6Hank Van VoorstInd1:44:33
7Joseph AllardInd1:53:04
8Geoff BrownIndDNF
Junior Sport Men: 3 Laps - 19.2 km
1Francis CurriePeak Racing Team1:14:56
2Jamie LambSpokebenders1:14:58
3Adam HamiltonInd1:21:46
4Chris PriceLunenburg1:23:08
5Chris GrahamSpokebenders1:23:11
6Aaron RowlandsLunenburg1:27:09
7Doug SmithBike People1:27:24
7John PlumerCyclesmith1:28:41
9Zack VanHelvoortBicycles Plus1:29:34
10Chris LittleBicycles Plus1:39:04
11Anthony LacopiaCyclesmith1:39:16
12Andrew FeenerCyclesmithDNF
Junior Sport Women: 2 Laps - 12.8 km
1Kate ScallionSpokebenders1:07:05
2Dawn JardineInd1:13:35
3Melanie JardineInd1:15:52
Under 17 Men: 2 Laps - 12.8 km
1Ryan DooleyBike People51:42
2Ryan DeBouverValley Stove & Cycle54:16
3Justin St.OngeInd54:34
4J. P. HasteyInd55:27
5Thomas DicksonInd56:33
6Jeffery MayhewSportwheels58:00
7Nic SpicerInd59:33
8Matt EllisLunenburg1:00:00
9Ryan VanKronenburgSpokebenders1:02:11
10Samuel NeatbyCyclesmith1:05:43
11William HornerInd1:10:07
12Jason MartinCyclesmith1:25:28
13Eric SharpIndDNF
14Jared McNuttTeam BackstreetDNF
15Kevin FoyGreenwoodDNF
16Craig DegierSportwheelsDNF
Minimie Men: 2 Laps - 12.8 km
1Jared NicholsonInd56:13
2Daniel JuteauBackstreet59:03
3Trevor HennigarInd1:00:32
4Alex VanHelvoortBicycles Plus1:03:17
5Devon GerritsInd1:03:30
6Ryan WalkerInd1:05:48
7Garrett ShawInd1:09:14
8Blair HasteyInd1:10:05
9Greg AffleckInd1:10:19
10Matthew DavidsonInd1:21:28
11Luke HefflerBicycles Plus1:43:42
12Matt EnglishSpokebendersDNF
Peewee Men: 1 Laps - 6.4 km
1Kyle GallantInd31:57
2Scott LeslieInd48:55
Peewee Women: 1 Laps - 6.4 km
1Sarah LambSpokebenders43:10
2Amanda RowlandsInd51:46

Points Standings after 5 Series Races
Best 4 of 7 races count towards final standings.
If you have noticed an error, please contact Mark Foster at 479-1300 or

Senior Elite Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Terry TomlinSobe-Headshok398.75
2Lorenzo CateriniBike People379.08
3Jason EaglesCyclesmith367.85
4Stephen CrouseSpokebenders367.73
5Pat CollinsBike People281.93
6Greg GrantMike's Bike Shop276.94
7Kevin NoilesSportwheels276.91
8Ed RushtonCyclesmith272.38
9Randy GrayCyclesmith239.97
10Colin GashBike People183.63
11Peter WedgeKona Factory Team100
12Marc KazimirskiRocky Mountain99.07
13Jeff SparkesNB96.02
14Rory GonzalesRuff Riders91.93
Senior Expert Women
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Sherry HuybersSingletrack Mudpack380.89
2Lisa McInnisBike People380.85
3Erin BoydCyclesmith163.26
4Anna Healey100
5Catherine PendrelRadical Edge100
Junior Expert Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Dustin MacBurnieSpokebenders394.23
2Mark FosterKona/Cyclesmith377.35
3Robert OvermarsInd.368.75
4Will WongBike People327.36
5Greg KerrKona/Cyclesmith169.29
6Luc LegerN.B.100
7Cory JayShurmans PEI100
8Andrew ScottShurmans PEI95.85
9Craig BeatonShurmans PEI95.6
10Marcel VautourMike's Bike Shop92.84
11Trevor ShewfeltBody Science88.66
12Ian CoxBike People85.24
Senior Expert Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Shawn SkelhornBike People334.85
2Colin GashBike People294.91
3Glenn PeachBicycles Plus277.5
4Jeff BellBike People271.61
5Andrew WalkerVeloraptors197.21
6Rob MorrisonBike People190.62
7Scott BerringtonBike People188
8Lewis GouldenBike People180.42
9Paul EverardBike People179.96
10Ian EverardBike People170.61
11Carl SimoneauCyclesmith162.45
12David Damery100
13Scott BonnellValley Stove & Cycle99.23
14Tom SyvretBike People90.88
15Filip BohacValley Stove & Cycle90.04
16Peter DewarInd.78.52
Senior Sport Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Jan-Mark VanderleestInd390.25
2Michael LawrenceCyclesmith382.52
3Nathan StOngeInd370.89
4Connor ScallionSpokebenders366.12
5James AtwoodInd331.58
6Michael LabradorBike People313.07
7David StachonCyclesmith294.94
8Paul BelhumerCyclesmith261.91
9Mike EastwoodInd251.79
10John O'ReillyBike People235.89
11Sean McDonnellCyclesmith224.66
12Matt MorfordBike People218.45
13Jason SimpsonBike People186.43
14Tom SyvretBike People184.98
15Robert KlueCyclesmith174.81
16Tom KavanaghBike People171.65
17Ian Shaw164.51
18Justin Julien164.32
19Jeremy Bernard161.96
20Kyle Carpenter160.81
21Chris Curry159.86
22Donald BurtonCyclesmith157.22
23Chris IrvingSpokebenders153.95
24Jeff WhiteCyclesmith144.99
25Matt RockwellBike People137.79
26Mike StrangInd130.41
27Jelmer WiersmaSpokebenders100
28Dominic Gauvin100
29Shawn MarshallMike's Bike Shop99.25
30Daniel Richard93.9
31Erik DavisInd90.75
32Andre Leger90.02
33Geoff BrownInd88.89
34Matt FryInd88.33
35Jason Keddy88.06
36Andrew McRaeCyclesmith84.12
37Stephane MoutinInd83.97
38Andrew FryInd83.01
39Michael Zolnader77.06
40Glenn Roger69.89
41Alessandro Haltom64.1
Senior Sport Women
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Gwen RolandsLunenburg360.76
2Laura KindervaterBike People297.44
3Chantal TardiffSingletrack Mudpack282.2
4Holly Meadows262.19
5Marieka WiersmaCyclesmith200
6Susan HallInd184.9
7Melissa MacBurnieSpokebenders142.51
8Tacinda BangmaCyclesmith132.29
9Krista WeirInd100
10Ronice GoebelCeledon Cycling Club88.06
11Joanna McIntyreSingletrack Mudpack85.52
Master Sport Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Peter CampbellVally Stove&Cycle400
2Wade SimpsonVeloraptors317.08
3Scott SmithBike People310.03
4Roy RasmussenInd.304.27
5Jim FosterInd.252.98
6Dan PottierInd.236.88
7David WalkerVeloraptors189.39
8Richard FoyGreemwood CC166.04
9Brian DuffyCyclesmith138.04
10Stephen SwanBackstreet129.77
11Ian MoffatVeloraptors101.87
12Mark Childerhouse85.4
13Brian ScallionSpokebenders84.6
14Leonard PaulVally Stove&Cycle76.72
15Paul BeauchampInd.68.64
16Wayne SmallVeloraptors66.48
17Niall McGrathInd.66.06
18John CrosbyInd.65.43
19Steve SaundersCyclesmith56.93
Veteran Sport Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Bob BustinCyclesmith376.77
2Randy ComeauBike People370.73
6John Van KroonenburgSpokebenders344.43
3Derrick FinneySportwheels320.57
4Stephen MessengerInd277.14
5Simon MyattGiant Bicycle Canada270.69
7Chris WaldronBike People261.61
8Jan-Peter DeScuzaCyclesmith223.7
9Geoff BrownInd194.62
10Tom KavanaughBike People185.96
11Scott MorganBike People170.97
12Bruce RobertsSpokebenders163.56
13Dan PothierInd94.91
14James BratrudGreenwood CC93.91
15Mark ChilderhouseMetro91.62
16Dave Kilpatrick90.49
17Eric BohamSaskatoon Cycle84.27
18Andrew MyattInd71.47
19Dave Boyle71.25
20David PaceInd69.91
Junior Sport Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Jamie LambSpokebenders398.93
2Chris PriceLunenburg CC390.45
3Francis CurriePeak Racing Team386.96
4Chris GrahamSpokebenders368.27
5Doug SmithBike People338.13
6Aaron RowlandsLunenburg CC335.75
7Anthony LacopiaCyclesmith296.72
8Zac Van HelvoortBicycles Plus175.98
9Josh BrownInd.175.66
10Andrew FeenerCyclesmith160.56
11Matthew Henshaw124.83
12Ian CoxBike People93.34
13Scott SoderoCyclesmith88.57
14Greg KerrKona Cyclesmith84.94
15John PlumerCyclesmith/kona84.5
16Koos HaggCyclesmith83
17Lance Tanner76.47
18Chris LittleBicycles Plus75.64
19Trevor KeanSportwheels75.03
20Ricky DaltonCycling PEI54.96
Junior Sport Women
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Kate ScallionSpokebenders400
2Melanie JardineInd372.6
3Dawn JardineInd363.87
4Jodi SmithCycling PEI95.62
5Robyn CoxBike People77.74
Cadet Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Ryan DooleyBike People394.43
2Justin StOngeInd386.24
3Ryan DebowerValley Stove & Cycle357.6
4Jeff MayhewSportwheels345.2
5Thom Dickson343.57
6Ryan VanKroonenburgSpokebenders316.04
7Ben Crook-HannaCPEI299.42
8Samuel NetbyCyclesmith282.1
9J. P. HastleyInd271.09
10Craig DegierSportwheels260.54
11Kevin FoyGreenwood259.24
12JC MorelInd258.85
13Matthew EllisLunenburg256.8
14Mike SherwoodInd245.25
15Nic SpicerInd243.76
16Jason MartinCyclesmith240.73
17William Horner222.46
18Andrew MacLeodSporting Intentions182.14
19Jeff LeeInd175.98
20Josh MartellCyclesmith172.31
21Eric SharpInd162.78
22Rafih TalalSpokebenders160.7
23Marc LemireScotia Cycle160.58
24Billy Hennessey156.37
25Morgan LynchBike People151.88
26Josh SkinnerPeak Racing149.07
27Justin CameronPeak Racing142.76
28Justin BehieSportwheels134.84
29Jared McNutt118.27
30Chris Graham98.43
31Andrew PickardCPEI95.36
32Tyler RoddCPEI94.38
33Scott SoderoCyclesmith92.94
34Travis McPhee91.71
35Jonathon SweezyMike's Bike Shop85.87
36Andrew Rockell84.68
37Chris Little81.78
38David AdamsCPEI77.9
39Chris Webster77.37
40Cory BeatonCPEI76.75
41Kyle Currie76.38
42Stephen GaudetInd75.75
43Anthony Lacopia74.63
44Nathan AckersonTeam Backstreet71.43
45Josh Spears59.89
46Daniel MacPheeInd51.1
Minimie Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Shane NolanInd388.37
2Daniel JuteauTeam Backstreet343.32
3Trevor HennigarInd332.06
4Ryan WalkerInd323.76
5Devon GerritsInd311.69
6Steven RushCPEI294.8
7Garret ShawInd289.77
8Ryan TaylorCPEI281.83
9Jared Nicholson280.53
10Matt EnglishSpokebenders248.29
11Blair Hastey226.77
12Matthew Davidson207.16
13Kristen HallidayInd188.94
14Luke HefflerBicycles Plus181.73
15Alex VanHelvoort177.69
16Jason LeeInd159.79
17Josh SearsSportwheels122.25
18Michael DoironSpokebenders87.53
19Chad BourgeoisInd81.74
20Bobby Hennessey76.76
21Jared McNuttTeam Backstreet72.29
22Kyle Gallant71.73
23Dustin Covey69.57
24Adam Foster69.06
25Zak LikelyCPEI68.15
26Nicholas BellSchwinn Canada61.47
27Jan O'Brien55.09
28Alex DoironInd48.55
Peewee Men
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Kyle Gallant400
2Andrew Stirling167.7
3Alex Hannam148.88
4Scott LesleyInd74.62
5Jeremy GassInd70.07
6Brandon Juteau52.51
Peewee Women
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Sarah LambSpokebenders392.12
2Allison McPhee263.08
3Abbigayle HenshawTeam Backstreet99.43
Minimee Women
PlaceNameClub/SponsorTotal Points
1Abbigayle HenshawTeam Backstreet100

Go to results web page for more Nova Scotia results Webpage of Results


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