Canadian Cyclist


February 24/16 14:29 pm - Escape Velocity Spring Series (B.C.)

Posted by Editor on 02/24/16

The Escape Velocity Spring Series kicks off on February 27th with 12 races over six consecutive weekends. Riders of these classics style races in the sometimes beautiful and sometimes tough weather will notice some significant changes this year, with the addition of lead motos in select races, commissaires at all events, chip timing, the Mosaic learn to race clinics and upgrade points available at all races.

"Spring Series races will be used as an important training ground for new C-level commissaires as part of Cycling BC's focus on development of officials," said Jim Richards, Executive Director of Cycling BC. "For racers this means more consistency in who they race and what they can expect in terms of points and upgrading for their efforts."

"Providing commissars at every event so that points are valid for submission requires all clubs who participate to develop some club level ("C") commissaires to contribute to the pool," says Brian Storey, President of Escape Velocity p/b Fortius. "By using club volunteers, we can keep costs to participants down while building the pool of ready officials for larger events like Provincial championships and BC Superweek."

Traditionally, racers have self-seeded during the tough Spring Series, with organizers retaining the right to move racers who seed too strongly to their own advantage. As of 2016, racers wanting to upgrade or downgrade will be referred to Cycling BC.

Spring Series Race information:

Cycling BC Commissaire C-level training and mentoring sign-up (free):


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