Canadian Cyclist


April 8/16 14:24 pm - Jens Voigt to Join B.C. Cyclists to Raise Funds for Hospital

Posted by Editor on 04/8/16

Former professional and two-time Tour de France Yellow Jersey wearer, Jens Voigt, will fly from Germany to join Wheel 2 Heal Heroes in a once-in-a-lifetime ride and auction on April 17th. This exclusive ride, made possible by Westwood Cycle, is only on offer to Wheel 2 Heal participants who have raised $1,000 or more, with all proceeds going to Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation.

"I support Eagle Ridge Hospital because it's not just about my needs, it's my family's, friends', and community's needs for healthcare," says Kelly Hobbis, owner of Westwood Cycle. "Jens Voigt's positive racing attitude and his approachable personality make me proud that he has chosen to support Wheel 2 Heal by riding with the Heroes."

Participants will also have the chance to win an auctioned private helicopter ride with the star, getting a sneak peak at the April 30th Wheel 2 Heal course, from a bird's-eye view. The winner will spend quality time with Voigt and learn more about the rider's career, while gaining some pro-cycling tips to improve their own ride.

"Each year, Wheel 2 Heal makes a massive impact for our hospital," says Charlene Giovannetti-King, Executive Director, Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation. "This is a great opportunity to celebrate our riders that have gone the extra mile in their fundraising work."

Others who wish to ride on April 17th with Jens can still register for Wheel 2 Heal and raise $1000.00. Visit for more information.


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