Canadian Cyclist


August 30/00 6:07 am - Australia Update, Ontario Midweek Results

Posted by Editoress on 08/30/00

Update from the sunny side of the world

Report from Australia by National Team Coach/Manager Kurt Innes

Hello all. We finally received our bags yesterday! Three very happy people we were, let me tell you. I never thought sweat pants and running shoes were so important to my existence!

The two girls got on the track yesterday as well (after getting our stuff), and building bikes , etc. Track seems very nice, and very smooth.

Went for a great walk this morning, toured around the small streets by hotel. Found a great little park with lots of beautiful trees and flowers etc. There are these wild looking birds here. They are kinda like pigeons I think (local and loud birds), except they are beautiful pink and white. look almost like parrots ? Very colorful, and extremely loud . There were tons of them in this park I walked in.

Also have been driving our rental car for the last two days. No biggie.... except that everything is on the wrong side of the car. Steering wheel , shifter, signal switch are all on opposite side of the car ! I can handle driving on the left side of the road, but I keep switching on the window wipers instead of the turn signal ! Takin' some getting used to, but I will get it !

Otherwise things are good. Trying to get tickets to the aussie rules football grand final game here in Adelaide for Sunday. This will be super cool to see. Tons of drunken , crazy, screaming and loud fans cheering for their home team. WWF wrestling + some sort of organization around a football! Just what the doctor ordered to cure what ever ails you.!

La Bicicletta Novice Midweek Novice Series, event 12
(Courtesy Peter McCaffery)

Jeff Archbold devised a unique format for this final event. There were two races. The first was a 12 lap scratch event with no teams and the top 8 finishers went into a final 6 lap miss-and out race.

Average speed of first race 39.4 kph

Jerome Saxon (Ind) 21:10
Dan Thompson (Madonna) s.t. (good to see you well again, Dan)
Ian Garner (Ind) at 0:02

36 starters

Thanks to all the experienced riders who came out week after week on their "rest" day to help all the new riders develop their skills. A tip of the helmet to the volunteers who marshalled, lap scored, registered and spectated. A special thank you to Jeff Archbold who coordinated the races, organized the on-the-road coaching and generally held things together. A big bouquet to Kit McCaffery for her quiet strength and support.

La Bicicletta Handicap Criterium 8/29
(Courtesy Peter McCaffery)

21 laps/44.2 km

David FryRNH112pts
Paul RegoOakville111
Kevin SpeachtInd110
Aubrey Bryce D'OrnellasMA9
Greg CavanaghMississauga Gears18
Jeff HansenItal Pasta17
# 37 - please call6
Joe GiulianoJet Fuel15
Tom VillanoWoodbridge Italia14
Darko FickoWoodbridge Italia13

Scott Buschlen (Brampton)
Jeff Hansen (Ital Pasta)
Dave Dermont (Speed River)

thanks to
Maria Rigato (Lap scoring)
Brothers Grabovac (Marshalling)

Series Standings to date
Kevin SpeachtInd1143
Paul RegoOakville1106
Jeff HansenItal Pasta1103
David FryRNH199
Peter MorseKiro189
James J. Wadden Kiro173
Greg CavanaghMississauga Gears167
Bruce KripRNH261
Don ZuckIndMB59
Darko FickoWoodbridge Italia157
Aubrey Bryce D'OrnellasMA54
Mike YbanezMississauga Gears154
Mark ShawIndMB52
Paul HornakMississauga Gears148
Tony AbramaviciusMississauga GearsMB44
Dave BritnellHummingbirds244
Roy ZucchettoInd243
Heath CockburnJet Fuel142
Piers DavidgeMississauga Gears142
Jason ValentiBrampton141
Category leaders
Anita WaymannBrampton22
Ann TurrinIntersports16
Amy JarvisIntersports14
Master D
Tim PorterInd.10
Master C
David Lee SheeHummingbirds10
Doug BaineInd.6
Drew HarvieMBRC6
Master B
Don ZuckInd.59
Mark ShawInd.52
Tony AbramaviciusMBRC44
Master A
Aubrey BryceD'Ornellas54
Garnett AbbeyHalton R&T40
Gerrard YeatesRNH35
Ryan De Boer MBRC24
Peter MazurKissena23
Senior 3
Duncan SalisburyHalton R&T35
Jeff ArchboldMBRC34
Enrico TrainiMBRC33
Kevin SpeachtInd.143
Paul RegoOakville106
Jeff HansenItal Pasta103

The final race, next Tuesday at 6.45pm gives riders in nearly all categories a chance to get into first place in category. Let's see a HUGE TURNOUT!!

Awards Dinner on Sunday 17th. after the Provincial Hillclimb Championships.
905 271 8300 or for details.


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