Canadian Cyclist


April 12/16 12:20 pm - Webinar Invitation: Creating Inclusive Environments for Trans Participants in Canadian Sport

Posted by Editor on 04/12/16

On April 19th, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) will host a webinar to introduce "Creating Inclusive Environments for Trans Participants in Canadian Sport - Guidance for Sport Organizations." The 90-minute webinar will present the policy guidance recommendations and their supporting rationale, with a look at both recreational and high-performance sport. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions.

The webinar is targeted at administrators of national and provincial sport organizations and multi-sport organizations who are involved with policy development.

The guidance document was created in response to the sport community's desire to improve their policies and practices as they relate to Trans participants. It was developed in consultation with the Trans Inclusion Expert Working Group, a group of experts representing a variety of professions and perspectives.

The full document will be released by the CCES on April 19th, and will be available for download at

Please join us on Tuesday, April 19th, at 1:00 p.m. (EDT). Participants are required to register in advance through GoToWebinar.

The CCES is an independent, national, not-for-profit organization with a responsibility to administer the CADP. We recognize that true sport can make a great difference for individuals, communities and our country. The CCES acknowledges funding, in part, from the Government of Canada. We are committed to working collaboratively to activate a values-based and principle-driven sport system; protecting the integrity of sport from the negative forces of doping and other unethical threats; and advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone.

Courtesy CCES


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