Canadian Cyclist


April 16/16 13:35 pm - Coaches BC Legacy Grants

Posted by Editor on 04/16/16

The Coaches BC Legacy Fund was set up in 2013 with the goal of encouraging more community level coaches to become involved, to further their education, and to receive training and/or certification. As a result, four coach grant categories have been created to assist provincial sport organizations, community clubs and coach developers.

Eligible applicants are invited to apply with the intent of utilizing/distributing it to coach developers as grants ranging from $100 - $600.

Spring 2016 Intake

• Norm Olenick Coach Developer Grant (up to $600 per year) - PSOs, clubs or Coach Developers can apply

• Kathy Newman Adaptive Sport Coach Grant (up to $600 per year) - PSOs or clubs can apply

Apply Now

The Spring 2016 intake deadline is Tuesday, May 10th, at 11:59 PM PT

Courtesy Cycling BC


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