Canadian Cyclist


April 16/16 13:39 pm - Glotman Simpson Women Skills Camps (B.C.)

Posted by Editor on 04/16/16

Glotman•Simpson women's skills clinics start in May, and are open to Cycling BC members. Glotman•Simpson Cycling clinics are instructed by a combination of individuals with National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) accreditation, industry professionals, and race ambassadors that bring extensive years of training, performance and competitive experience.

Women's Performance Skills Series: Learn To Ride

For women that want to develop their riding skills to the next level, this clinic will include four sessions led by the Women's Race Ambassador Team. The goal of the clinic will be to help women of novice and intermediate levels gain confidence on the bike, and acquire the skills needed for group riding situations, be it casual group rides, or gran fondos.

Participants should be comfortable riding their bikes for two hours at a moderate pace. Exercises will focus on bike handling skills, pacelines, cornering, and bike maintenance. Complete session details available at

Dates: May 4, 11, 18, 25
Cost: $75 or $100 for non-club members
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Iona Road (Richmond), UBC, Glenlyon (Burnaby)
Capacity: 20

This clinic is open to non-club members, however a general Cycling BC membership is required in order to participate. If you do not have a Cycling BC membership, you will be prompted to purchase one during registration.

Women's Performance Skills Series: Learn To Race

For women that want to develop race-specific cycling skills and ride strategies, or advance their riding techniques. This clinic will introduce advanced group riding skills and replicate race scenarios, in four sessions led by the Women's Race Ambassador Team. This clinic is ideal for novice racers, riders interested in road racing, or advanced riders that want to accelerate their group riding skills. Participants should be comfortable riding in groups at a moderate to fast pace.

Whether you've just started racing, are thinking about racing, or just want to gain advanced skills of butt-kicking on the road, this clinic will help you achieve the knowledge and confidence to ride smarter and better. Exercises will focus on rotating pacelines, sprinting, climbing, and nutrition. Complete session details available at

Dates: May 4, 11, 18, 25
Cost: $75 or $100 for non-club members
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Iona Road (Richmond), UBC, Glenlyon (Burnaby)
Capacity: 20

This clinic is open to non-club members, however a general Cycling BC membership is required in order to participate. If you do not have a Cycling BC membership, you will be prompted to purchase one during registration.

Courtesy Cycling BC


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