Canadian Cyclist


April 28/16 17:26 pm - WADA Releases 2014 Anti-Doping Violations Report - Cycling 3rd in Violations

Posted by Editor on 04/28/16

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has released their report for testing and anti-doping rule violations (ADRV) for 2014.  Cycling was the sport with the third most violations, behind Athletics and Bodybuilding.

A total of 217,762 samples were received and analyzed in 2014 by WADA-accredited laboratories. 2,287 samples were reported as AAFs (Adverse Analytical Findings). Of these:

• 1,462 (64%) samples were confirmed as ADRVs (sanctions);
• 224 (10%) samples were dismissed because of a valid TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) held by the athlete;
• 317 (14%) were categorized as "no case to answer" (i.e. case closed for a valid reason other than a TUE);
• 132 (6%) samples resulted in "no sanction" because the athlete was exonerated; and
• 152 (7%) samples were still pending.

Among the 1,462 ADRVs as a result of an AAF, the samples were collected from:

• 1,159 male (79%) athletes and 303 female (21%) athletes;
• 328 out-of-competition (22%) and 1,134 in-competition (78%);
• 1,458 urine and 4 blood;
• 109 nationalities (as recorded in the case decision received by WADA);
• 82 sports (sports/disciplines as reported by the WADA-accredited laboratories).




Cycling had 22,471 samples submitted, with a total of 221 AAFs and 126 ADVRs, plus 17 cases still pending.  Cycling was the third most tested sport, behind Football (Soccer) and Athletics.  Para-cycling had 382 samples, 8 AAFs and 2 ADVRs.  Of this total for cycling, one was from Canada.  Italy had the most in cycling with 11, followed by Belgium and France at 5 each.


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