Canadian Cyclist


September 5/00 10:33 am - Windsor & Sudbury Results

Posted by Editor on 09/5/00

Tour di Via Italia - Windsor, Ontario
(courtesy OCA)

Youth Under-15 Men
1Adam ThussZiggy's CC27:26
2Colin 1 lap
3Alex Keomany (U13)Ann Arbor Velo
4Kyle JohnsonInd.
5Guillaume MauryInd.
6Stephen Christy (U13)Ann Arbor Velo
7Jordan StohlInd.
8Zack Morris (U13) 2 laps
Junior & Under-17 Men
1Buck MillerSt Catharines CC24:36
2Mike House (U17)Maumee Valleys.t.
3Ryan RothWoodstock CCat 0:48
4Jonas RootMaumee Valley1:12
5Jacob RytlewskiRevolution CC1:28
6Jonathon HughesWolverine CC1:50
7Michael LoiselleMaple Leaf CC
8Ryan DeBoer (U17)Mississauga BC
9Jordan StandevenMaple Leaf CC
10Joshua Rytlewski (U17)Revolution CC
11Kory PellarinInd.
12Nathaniel Bere (U17)Maple Leaf CCall s.t.
13Tyrone SinghZiggy's CC2:02
14Mark Pozniak (U17)St Catharines CCat 1 lap
15Kyle Essenmacher (U17)Revolution CCat 1 lap
Sr 3/4/5 & Master Men
1Stefan KramerSt Catharines CC49:36
2Mark CastillouxQueen City CC
3Gerard YeatesRNH Racing
4Aubrey BryceD'Ornellas CC
5Chris FordWaterloo Flying Dogs
6Greg PalmerMississauga BC
7Douglas GoodwinInd.
8Hans LoeffelholzInd.
9Billy MathysInd.
10Thomas PriceAllegheny C/A
11Alan ZoltowskiRevolution CC
12Charlie SquiresLondon CW
13Colin WalshEurotech
14Jeff ChowInd.
15Wayne HenryMadonna Wheelers
16John SammutCadieux Bicycle
17Richard BrinkAllegheny C/A
18Mark St JohnInd.
19Robert FairmanAllegheny C/A
20Arne AssorInd.
21P Joseph VannieAnn Arbor Velo
22Jim GilmoreOhio
23Marc PolsinelliInd.
24Roy ZuchettoInd.
25Petar LukicInd.
26Michael ForsdikeZiggy's CC
27Thomas SzostopalInd.
28Stephen DeanWolverine CC
29Kenneth SmithArlington CC
30Karl RossmanDRCCall s.t.
Master 50+ Men
1Aubrey BryceD'Ornellas CC49:36
2David Lee-SheeHummingbirds Intl CC
3Elio ZanellaCaboto CC
4Peter MorrisOntario Masters
5Joe PorteraWolverine CC
6Antoine HuygheCadieux Bicycle
7Loren SimonsRapid Wheelmen
8John CookWolverine CCall s.t.
Dennis KershnerLittle Green MenDNF
Edgar IngrahamSummit FreewheelersDNF
Donald JaquaWolverine CCDNF
Senior Women
1Julie BultmanAnn Arbor Velo50:25
2Joan CuttittaWolverine CC
3Julie HutsebautIntersportsboth s.t.
4Juli VanabbennaLittle Green Menat 1:12
5Shari HausbeckWolverine CC
6Jody KochAnn Arbor Velo
7Susan GardnerAnn Arbor Velo
8Lisa PinklemanWolverine CC
9Mary DekkerLittle Green Men
10Tricia IngrahamMaumee Valley
11Jamie WalkerPrestige CC
12Elizabeth Young (Jr)Ann Arbor Veloall s.t.
Merrill CollinsInd.DNF
Liane LorangerSt Catharines CCDNF
Pamela MudarBuffalo CCDNF
Sr 1/2 Pro Elite Men
1John HarrisItal Pasta1:45:07
2J P BoylanAnn Arbor Velo
3Michael LutherKnapps
4Don ZuckWoodbridge Italiaall s.t.
5David WengerTeam Columbusat 0:20
6Andrew Pinfoldital Pastaat 0:22
7David FryRNH Racing
8James BaldesareGoMart
9Ryan ZookMarion BC
10Antoine VargheseKissena
11Simon SmallItal Pasta
12Giusseppe GiulianoJet Fuel Coffee
13Steven WardNavigators
14Mark CastillouxQueen City CC
15David ChernoskyTeam Columbus
16Ryan CalilunaCityScape
17Bruce KetchumRNH Racing
18Andrew FreyNatural Health Concepts
19Al WorozbytItal Pasta
20Ryan DreyerRedwood Empire
21Brian AdamsG S Blauwkamp
22Darryl UhlerG S Blauwkamp
23Jonathan HughesSaturn of Toledo
24Malcolm MunroIntersports
25Barry ReidMaple Leaf CC
26Tom VillanoWoodbridge Italia
27Mark NiiroMichigan Cyclosport
28Paul RegoOakville CC
29Glen RendallIntersports
30Brent ArthursRNH Racingall s.t.

Delki Dozzi Cycling Track - Sudbury, Ontario
(courtesy Sandra Kleppe)

The Sudbury Cycling Club, along with the Sponsor for this event (Pinnacle Sports) held a bicycle race at the Delki Dozzi cycling Track.

The weather was not the most favourable with periods of rain along with warnings about lightening. The cyclists braved the bad weather to compete a second event for the weekend.

The results were:

Senior Men's 50 km Criterium
1. Dave Smith 1:16:31
2. Frank Battaillon 1: 16:32
3. Rob Rice 1:17:01
4. Lee Fraser 1:17:02 (formerly of Sudbury Cycling Club now living in Kingston)
5. Adrian Gedye 1:17:04
6. Andrew Szafranski (Formerly of Sudbury Cycling Club now in Oshawa)
7. Ryan Huskinson 1:18:34

(*This was Ryan's first road event, he just started racing and training at age 22 and has been in numerous running and mountain biking events this year for the first time. This was an excellent result for this newcomer from Levack Ontario, home of Eric Wohlberg)

Prime Winners:
1. Dave Smith
2. Lee Fraser

Masters 40 km Criterium
1. Jack Kosmerly 1:01:14
2. Ben Baldasarro 1:05:17
3. Carlo Berardi 1:05:23
4. Doug Marr 1:07:10
5. Chris Pritchard 1:07:16

Cadets 30 km
1. Ryan Pritchard 50:12
2. Joel Zylberberg 53:10
3. James Larmer 53:11

Childrens 6 km event:
1. Stewart Marr
2. Alex Kusinskis


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