Canadian Cyclist


July 7/16 19:48 pm - Le Tour de la releve internationale de Rimouski : Cadet Men stage 1 and 2 results

Posted by Editoress on 07/7/16

Cadet men's results from the first two stages of Le Tour de la relève internationale de Rimouski in Rimouski, Quebec

Stage 1 (July 6th): Team Time Trial, 7 km
1 Cycling BC 0:08:17
2 Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 at 00:06
3 Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 00:10
4 Espoirs Laval 1 00:12
5 Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 00:23
6 CCB-Ultime vélo 00:27
7 Team Manitoba 00:27
8 Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 00:30
9 Club cycliste d'Amos 00:37
10 Cannondale p/b Fortius 00:40
11 Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 00:43
12 Xpress Québécor 00:46
13 West of Quebec Wheelers 00:48
14 Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 00:54
15 Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 00:55
16 Espoirs Laval 2 00:59
17 Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 01:32
Individual rider stage results
1 Ben Katerberg (Can) Cycling BC 0:08:17
2 Riley Pickrell (Can) Cycling BC 0:00
3 Conor Martin (Can) Cycling BC 0:00
4 Isaac Vandervliet (Can) Cycling BC 0:00
5 Sydney Flageole-Bray (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 0:06
6 Dawson Macdonald (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 0:06
7 Ethan Sittlington (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 0:06
8 Giuseppe Carone (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 0:06
9 Colton Woods (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 0:10
10 Tyler Clark (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 0:10
11 Paul Mysko (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 0:10
12 Dylan Kerr (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 0:10
13 Nicolas Rivard (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 0:12
14 Jérémie Courtemanche (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 0:12
15 Antoine Daltério (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 0:12
16 Robin Plamondon (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 0:12
17 Dan Nordemann-Dasilva (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 0:23
18 Justin Correa (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 0:23
19 Joel Domingue (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 0:23
20 Aidan Zeversenuke (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 0:23
21 Scott English (Can) Team Manitoba 0:27
22 Ness Dalling (Can) Team Manitoba 0:27
23 Jayke Janssen (Can) Team Manitoba 0:27
24 Matthew Boyle (Can) Team Manitoba 0:27
25 Alexandre Poirier (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 0:27
26 Francis Juneau (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 0:27
27 Félix Dalpé (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 0:27
28 Lukas Carreau (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 0:27
29 Alexis Rochette (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 0:30
30 Émile Vézina-Coulombe (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 0:30
31 Charles- Forest-Leblanc (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 0:30
32 Anthony Logan (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 0:30
33 Simon Dubuc (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 0:37
34 Philippe Gélinas (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 0:37
35 Thomas-louis Deshaies (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 0:37
36 Olivier Beaulieu (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 0:37
37 Storey Quinn (Can) Cannondale p/b Fortius 0:40
38 Pauly Ethan (Can) Cannondale p/b Fortius 0:40
39 Inkster Eric (Can) Cannondale p/b Fortius 0:40
40 Jack Sirman (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 0:43
41 Leo Kirkpatrick Baird (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 0:43
42 Ronan Johnson (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 0:43
43 Giuseppe Magisano (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 0:43
44 Louis Fournier (Can) Xpress Québécor 0:46
45 David Brazeau (Can) Xpress Québécor 0:46
46 Thomas Delorme (Can) Xpress Québécor 0:46
47 Felix Robert (Can) Xpress Québécor 0:46
48 Carson Miles (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 0:48
49 Ian Hinks (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 0:48
50 Thomas Fortier (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 0:48
51 Brett Stoppa (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 0:48
52 Axel Froner (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 0:54
53 Kobe Liberty (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 0:54
54 Chris Simmons (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 0:54
55 Nate Ryan (USA) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 0:54
56 Étienne Lavallée (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 0:55
57 Alex Bougignon (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 0:55
58 Tristan Jussaume (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 0:55
59 Chales-Édward Nolin (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 0:55
60 Eric Enescu (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 0:59
61 Samuel Proulx (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 0:59
62 Vincent Racine (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 0:59
63 Nicolas Bougie (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 0:59
64 Thomas Berthiaume (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 1:32
65 Thomas Nadeau Gauthier (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 1:32
66 Vincent Alain (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 1:32
67 William Vermette (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 1:32
Stage 2: Saint-Anaclet to Rimouski Road race, 78 km
1 Ben Katerberg (Can) Cycling BC 2:06:16
2 Conor Martin (Can) Cycling BC at 1:51
3 Riley Pickrell (Can) Cycling BC 1:59
4 Robin Plamondon (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 2:02
5 Tyler Clark (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 2:04
6 Félix Dalpé (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 3:06
7 Émile Vézina-Coulombe (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 3:06
8 Nicolas Rivard (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 3:29
9 Olivier Beaulieu (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 3:34
10 Inkster Eric (Can) Cannondale p/b Fortius 3:34
11 Simon Dubuc (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 3:34
12 Justin Correa (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 3:36
13 Carson Miles (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 6:06
14 Pauly Ethan (Can) Cannondale p/b Fortius 6:06
15 Dylan Kerr (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 6:06
16 Scott English (Can) Team Manitoba 6:58
17 Alexis Rochette (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 6:58
18 Alexandre Poirier (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 6:58
19 Francis Juneau (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 7:00
20 Sydney Flageole-Bray (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 7:02
21 Tristan Jussaume (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 7:02
22 Thomas-louis Deshaies (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 7:04
23 Joel Domingue (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 7:09
24 David Brazeau (Can) Xpress Québécor 7:11
25 Nicolas Bougie (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 7:11
26 Dan Nordemann-Dasilva (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 7:11
27 Anthony Logan (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 7:11
28 Antoine Daltério (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 7:11
29 Lukas Carreau (Can) CCB-Ultime vélo 7:11
30 Samuel Proulx (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 7:15
31 Ness Dalling (Can) Team Manitoba 7:24
32 Paul Mysko (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 7:31
33 Jérémie Courtemanche (Can) Espoirs Laval 1 7:36
34 Storey Quinn (Can) Cannondale p/b Fortius 8:09
35 Matthew Boyle (Can) Team Manitoba 8:22
36 Ethan Sittlington (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 12:16
37 Chris Simmons (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 17:04
38 Felix Robert (Can) Xpress Québécor 17:04
39 Kobe Liberty (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 17:04
40 Dawson Macdonald (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 17:04
41 Jayke Janssen (Can) Team Manitoba 17:04
42 Vincent Racine (Can) Espoirs Laval 2 18:39
43 Étienne Lavallée (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 20:01
44 Ronan Johnson (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 21:59
45 Colton Woods (Can) Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team 22:45
46 Charles- Forest-Leblanc (Can) Club Cycliste QuÉbec Hype 1 24:47
47 Philippe Gélinas (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 25:01
48 Brett Stoppa (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 27:07
49 Thomas Fortier (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 27:07
50 Chales-Édward Nolin (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 30:00
51 Louis Fournier (Can) Xpress Québécor 30:15
52 Ian Hinks (Can) West of Quebec Wheelers 30:15
53 Isaac Vandervliet (Can) Cycling BC 32:08
54 Thomas Delorme (Can) Xpress Québécor 32:08
55 Aidan Zeversenuke (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Black 32:43
56 Axel Froner (Can) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 32:46
57 Giuseppe Carone (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #2 33:01
58 Thomas Nadeau Gauthier (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 33:16
59 Alex Bougignon (Can) Les Dynamiks de Contrecoeur 33:46
60 Vincent Alain (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 38:08
61 Giuseppe Magisano (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 43:33
62 Leo Kirkpatrick Baird (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1 43:33
63 Nate Ryan (USA) Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - Red 45:37
64 William Vermette (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2 49:47
DNF Thomas Berthiaume (Can) Club Cycliste Québec Hype 2
DNF Eric Enescu (Can) Espoirs Laval 2
DNF Jack Sirman (Can) Team NCCH p/b DEC Express #1


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