Canadian Cyclist


September 18/00 8:45 am - Hokkaido, Reinhart, Ontario Hillclimb, Quebec, Birthday

Posted by Editor on 09/18/00

Tour de Hokkaido, Japan

Stage 4 - Takikawa City Criterium 60 km

1. Jacob Erker (Can) 1:29:52
2. Thomas Evans (Ire)
3. ? (Jpn) both s.t.

9. Andrew Pinfold (Can) at 0:18
17. Eric Wohlberg (Can) s.t.
? Czeslaw Lukaszewicz (Can)


1. Wohlberg 10:04:48
2. Ken Hashikawa (Jpn) at 0:04
3. Erker 0:22

Other Canadian results not available.

Nicole Reinhart - June 3, 1976 - September 17, 2000

Arlington, MA - It is with the deepest sorrow that we report the loss of Saturn Cycling Team member and friend Nicole Reinhart.

Reinhart, 24 of Mertztown, PA, died today at a local hospital after crashing on the final decent of the BMC Software Tour of Arlington bicycle race, outside of Boston, Massachusetts.

Nicole’s parents and other family members had flown in to see her race today, where she was a favorite to win the finale of the Saturn US Pro Cycling Tour and the fourth in a series of races sponsored by BMC software. After winning three previous BMC sponsored events, Reinhart was poised to win the $250,000 prize that was being offered to any rider who could a attempting to complete a four-race sweep of the BMC Grand Prix.

Reinhart grew up near Trexlertown, PA, where she got into a cycling development program after she quit gymnastics. She quickly became a promising track cyclist and, over the past two years, blossomed into one of the nations best road sprinters. Nicole was instrumental in helping the Women’s Saturn Cycling Team attain a number one world ranking at the end of the 1999 season.

Nicole Reinhart loved to compete during the cycling season, but always looked forward to heading home to her family and friends. Her talent and youthful enthusiasm, as well as her presence in the peloton, will be sorely missed by all who knew her.

A release will follow with further information on correspondence arrangements.

Note: BMC Software has announced that they will work with Reinhart's family to set up a foundation in her name, using the $250,000 series prize that she was in line to win.

Ontario Provincial Hillclimb Championship
(courtesy Peter McCaffery)

Sydenham Hill, Dundas
Sunday, September 17th. 2000
2.05 km

Matt Hansen's 5 year reign as OCA hill climb champion came to an end today when Woodbridge Italia's Darko Ficko took 14 seconds out of "the Brat" Darko averaged just over 28 kph on the short but tough climb up the Escarpment and was stil totally spent at the awards ceremony.

Participation was well up over last year, with 28 riders turning up to do battle with the hill. More significant was the fact that a total of 9 juniors and cadets came out to ride.

Let's hope this welcome trend continues through the cyclo-cross season and on into 2001.

Darko FickoWoodbridge Italia4:27
Matt HansenIntersports4:41
Travis BrownCobourg C.C.4:51
Jason ValentiBrampton C.C.4:56
Al WorozbytItal Pasta5:03
Peter MorseKiro5:04
Marcus PeronHalton R&T5:15
Shawn BernardSt. Catharines C.C.5 19
Andrew KirkwoodIndependent5:23
Alison WileyMad Dog5:38
Merrill CollinsIndependent5:55
Kirsten RobbinsKHS5:58
Kevin (Buck) MillerSt. Catharines C.C.4:47
Ryan RothWoodstock C.C.4:58
Colin JenkinsInd4:58.4
Taras KlebanIntersports5:15
Tyrone SinghZiggy's5:58
Tyler HoltzmanSt. Catharines C.C.6:05
Ryan De BoerMBRC6:06
Brenden HurleyD'Ornellas6:08
Mark PozniakSt. Catharines C.C.6:18
Master A
Greg PalmerMBRC5:12
Ed OuijianMadonna Wheelers5:24
James StinsonInd5:42
Master 40+
Tony AbramaviciusMBRC5:08
Rob CheskeyHamilton C.C.5:20
Joe MarottaD'Ornellas5:59
Brian SpiegalIntersports6:11

Après le vélo de montagne, Guido se met à la course

Saint-Jean-Chrysostome (DIAPO) - Sa saison de vélo de montagne terminée et celle de ski de fond en attente de neige, Guido Visser a participé au cross-country du Circuit des couleurs, dimanche, à Saint-Jean-Chrysostome. Toujours en aussi bonne forme, l'olympien de Saint-Ferréol-les-Neiges a terminé au deuxième rang derrière Dominic Paquet, un coureur du Rouge et Or de l'Université Laval. Paquet a complété le parcours de 7,5 kilomètres en 27 minutes 28 secondes alors que Visser a franchi la distance en 29 :39 minutes. En tout, 127 coureurs avaient pris le départ.

" J'ai fini deuxième parce que je me suis trompé de corridor à un passage ", a indiqué Visser sur ton plus on moins sérieux. Et combien de temps as-tu perdu avec cette erreur ? " Ah, peut-être 10 secondes ?! "

Plus sérieusement, Visser se disait satisfait de l'expérience. " Je me suis bien amusé malgré les conditions difficiles. Comme il beaucoup plu, le parcours était boueux et glissant. J'étais peut-être dans mon élément, mais j'avoue que j'avais un peu peur de me blesser. "

La semaine prochaine, Visser participera à une course de ski de fond à roulettes présentée sur les parcours pavés de l'Université Laval.

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Happy Birthday To...

Mountain Biker / Road racer / Cyclo-crosser Peter Wedge (today).


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