Canadian Cyclist


July 30/16 13:37 pm - Ontario Para-Cycling Race Series

Posted by Editor on 07/30/16

The Ontario Cycling Association is excited to announce their partnership with Parasport Ontario as hosts for the inaugural Ontario Para-Cycling Race Series August 20-21.

This will be a 2-race series involving a time trial in Toronto on August 20th and a road race in Markham on August 21st.

This initiative is intended to not only increase the competitive opportunities for para-cyclists but also help to promote and grow awareness of the sport. In recent years Ontario has seen growth in the number of athletes participating in para-cycling and we hope this event will become a regular fixture on the competition calendar both provincially and nationally.

Pending grant approval, a travel subsidy may be available for Ontario athletes. If funding is received, athletes will be notified of the process for application.

Event Information and Registration

Ontario Para-Cycling Race Series - Time Trial

Ontario Para-Cycling Race Series - Road Race

The Para-Cycling Race Series are standalone events and run independently but will be held in conjunction with the Midweek Youth Cup [Para-TT] and the Provincial Criterium Championships [Para-RR]. Any questions regarding the Para specific races should be directed to OCA Provincial Para-Cycling Development Coach, Murray Solem at


Courtesy Ontario Cycling Association


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