Canadian Cyclist


November 28/97 18:29 pm - Vote!, `Cross, Alberta News, Rumours

Posted by Editor on 11/28/97


The number of voters in our Riders Choice Award is already well into the hundreds - have you voted yet? Chose your favourite Canadian rider (male and/or female) from the list, or nominate your own. The voting ends December 9th, so get your votes in NOW!

`Cross Update

From the organizer:

Keith did a final reconnoiter of the course yesterday and added another climb and descent so the course is around 2.9km. It comprises forest paths (wide), tarmac roads, gravel road climbs, mud roads and negative camber climbs and descents on the ski hill. A tremendous combination which should make for a fast course.

It is supposed to rain all day today which will make for soft conditions off of the hill and now they have changed the forecast for Sunday to 7 degrees and sunny. If what precipitation we get today hardens off as the temperature drops at night - it will be fast.

Alberta News

Just thought I'd let you know what's going on in Western Canada...

Bow-Cycle / Republik Cycling Team will once again be one of the strongest out West, with cat. 1/2 road riders Jacob Erker, James Cruickshank (Silver in TT at Canada Games), Crazy Chris DeVries (the most stylin' Canadian rider last year), Chad Kozak, Bruce Beynon, Paul Kelly (while I'm around) and many others (we'll send you a complete list soon).

On the Team's Mountain Bike side, we've recruited Layne Cooper, Alberta's top Junior, and we'll maintain Pat Kelly, Sean Mcpherson, Brian McClenon, plus others (also coming to you on the BIG LIST).

Trevor Wurtele, David Gluzman, and myself will be going to Italy for the season on February 2, to race for Caffe River-Perugino.

That's about it for now, but I'll let you know of any other developments.


Paul Kelly

From the Rumours Department...

We have been hearing rumours about a team sponsored by Saeco for a while now, but nobody seemed to be able to pin it down. Now the rumours appear to be solidifying a little bit. National champion Czselaw Lukaszewicz is said to be on the team, with a host of others. No other word at this point - anyone care to fill us in?


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