Canadian Cyclist


January 3/17 13:58 pm - Nominations Open for Induction into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame

Posted by Editor on 01/3/17

Induction into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame is our country's highest sporting honour and Canada's Sports Hall of Fame strives to reflect and celebrate Canada's long and diverse sporting history.

In celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame would like to celebrate teams that have helped shape Canada's sport history. Teams are defined as two or more athletes who have achieved an outstanding athletic accomplishment.

The January 15, 2017, deadline is quickly approaching to submit a nomination for an athlete, team or sport "builder" for induction into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame. Nominated individuals or teams may be deceased pioneers of Canadian sport, exceptional athletes that have been retired from major competition for at least four years, or "builders" demonstrating a lifetime commitment to the development of sport in Canada. Canada's Sports Hall of Fame invites all sport organizations and members of the public to nominate their sport heroes.

The criteria for selection are as follows:

• Outstanding athletic achievement/contribution.
• Demonstrated critical social values during their journey that all Canadians can be inspired by.
• Positively influenced their sport, community and country.

In addition to recognizing amazing sport heroes, induction into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame also aids in promoting and building awareness for the inductee's specific sport.

Canadians are invited to submit any nominations they feel meet the criteria for selection. Nomination forms and detailed information are available at and nominations can be submitted to before January 15, 2017.


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