Canadian Cyclist


October 18/00 4:34 am - Redden Record, Giant Killer Hornets

Posted by Editor on 10/18/00

Redden Breaks Record

Mountain biker Olympian Chrissy Redden participated today in a stairclimb for the United Way at the CN Tower - 1766 stairs and 77 landings. She did it in 11:52, which broke the women's record (by 3 seconds). This apparently means that she will be in the Guinness Book of Records. Way to go Chrissy.

Latest Miracle Formula

The latest supplement for endurance athletes is, are you ready? . . . Stomach juice from giant killer hornets.

No, we are not making this up. Apparently the winner of the women's marathon in Sydney drank this stuff before and during her race. The stuff is completely legal also (hey, if you are dumb enough to drink it...). It is now being development into a sports drink - we can hardly wait...

However, we have two questions: 1. were any giant killer hornets killed in the process? 2. How many giant killer hornets does it take the stomach contents of to make one serving?


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