Canadian Cyclist


May 11/17 9:15 am - UCI Announces Track World Cup Schedule for 2017-18

Posted by Editor on 05/11/17

At the same time that Cycling Canada announced that the Mattamy National Cycling Centre in Milton has been awarded a three year sanction for the Track World Cup [see Milton to Host First UCI World Cup], the UCI released the schedule of 2017 track events for the coming season.

Originally, the UCI had planned to have six events in the World Cup - two in Europe, two in the Americas and two tentatively proposed for Asia - however, at this point they are they are announcing just four; the ones that will take place in 2017:

Pruszkow, Poland - November 4-5
Manchester, UK - November 10-12
Milton, Canada - December 1-3
Santiago, Chile - December 9-10

All except Manchester are new to the Track World Cup, although Pruszkow hosted the world championships in 2009 (when Tara Whitten and Zach Bell both won silver medals in the Omnium).

Other events on the international calendar that were announced by the UCI are the Junior Track World Championships in Montichiari, Italy (August 25-27), the Masters Track World Championships in Los Angeles, USA (October 8-14) and the Elite Track World Championships in Apeldoorn, Netherlands (February 28 - March 4, 2018).


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