Canadian Cyclist


June 1/17 16:57 pm - OCA Warns Retailers of Fraudulent Garmin Purchases

Posted by Editor on 06/1/17

Open letter to retailers of Garmin products:

On several occasions this year we were approached by retailers of Garmin products regarding an order placed by Ontario Cycling. In every instance an individual that does not work for Ontario Cycling placed a high value order for Garmin product, provided our contact information and made payment with what is likely a stolen credit card.

I understand that the police have been contacted and in an effort to alert other Garmin dealers I contacted Garmin directly to apprise them of the situation and encourage them to alert their dealer network about this fraudulent activity. It is very difficult to find a "public" number for Garmin and despite this obstacle I eventually made contact through a support line.  After some time on the phone explaining what was happening I ended up with a rather surprising answer - "there is nothing we can do". I can only speculate as to who is at risk from a "card not present" transaction but it is unlikely going to be Garmin.

Earlier this week we learned of another attempt through a retailer in Ottawa. In light of the ongoing attempts to fraudulently obtain Garmin products and Garmin's apparent lack of corporate responsibility I am taking the unusual step of posting this on our website to alert other Garmin dealers and hopefully shame Garmin into contacting their dealer network.

Jim Crosscombe
Chief Executive Officer
Ontario Cycling Association


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