Canadian Cyclist


November 8/00 9:08 am - No More, BMX Awards, Alberta News, Schwab Out, & Lots More!

Posted by Editor on 11/8/00 Shuts Down is another victim of the dot-com slowdown, abruptly ceasing operations yesterday (November 7th). was the most ambitious effort to date to create a virtual bike shop. Initially well capitalized (unconfirmed $2 million US), it always struggled - launching 4 months later than planned, without many of the premier bike lines it had hoped for. It headhunted the bike world for staff, including ex-Velonewsers editor John Rezell and marketing guy Alec Dinner (also former Bell Sports Canada President Josh Greenberg).

Many suppliers were left uninformed of the sudden shutdown, and will have to wait and see how restitution for goods sold shakes out. (Editor's note: in the interests of full disclosure, that includes yours truly, who wrote some material for them...)

Maury Cup Awards
(courtesy Kevin O'Brien)

Named after Maury Banks, the 'Doctor' of BMX in Canada, the awards pay tribute to his many years of dedication to the sport.

Each year, BMX FILES Magazine serves up a fan based contest where kids get to vote for their favourite MALE and FEMALE riders, favourite BMX BIKE and favourite TEAM.

With more votes than ever before, the contest was a success and the winners are:


Thanks to everyone who voted. Check out for more details.

Results of the 2000 Calgary Bicycle Track League
(courtesy cp Walsh)

1. Troy Delfs, Eurotech Cycle 182 points
2. Chris Bentley, Eurotech 116
3. Brian Lofthouse, Eurotech 113
4. cp Walsh, Eurotech 91
5. Scott Montgomery, Eurotech 62
6. Bob Veroba, Bicisport 57

1. Perry Osweiler, Bicisport 162
2. Dale Lussier, Indy Fighter 143
3. Richard Stout, 17 Ave. Wheelers 143
4. Tom Caves, Calgary Firefighters 110
5. Greg Yanicki, Bicisport 88
6. Pete Stathakos, Speedskaters 40

1. Karl Waeldele, CVICC 191
2. Whitney Armstrong, 186
3. Vince da Silva, Trinidad Vets 126
4. Max Brookes, CVICC 84
5. Rob Onodera, CVICC 69
6. Brian MacIntosh, U of C HPL 60

Team Award: Eurotech Cycle

Schwab Pulls Out of Cycling

Charles Schwab & Co. have formally announced that they are pulling the plug on sponsorship of their women's team. Among those on the team was Canadian Leigh Hobson.

Report From 'Cross Nationals - Josh Hall

Hey everybody,

Just thought I'd say hi, and give you a quick update of what went down this past weekend in Alberta at cyclo-cross nationals.

Well, after last year's near miss to end up 2nd, I really, really wanted to win. And early in this year's seven lap race I felt quite solid, and I was quite confident about a victory, just biding my time in the lead group. However, the night before the race it had turned really cold, and it had snowed. The course was pretty much still frozen when we raced, but a warm sun turned the run-ups into a really sticky mud and dirt mess that clogged up pedals something fierce. Other than that, there was no need to get a bike change during the race.

For myself, I only had a friend's bike in the pits to use as a last resort (flying out west with two bikes wasn't going to be easy or cheap...). I rolled the dice and crapped out I guess, so I tried to stay on my sweet bike as long as possible. Soon though, closing down the small gaps that opened up when the other guys got into their cleaner pedals started to make me a little worried for the first time in the race. And by the end of the 2nd lap I knew this mud was going to be a big issue for all of us, but still avoided a switch to my crappy spare bike (the white and blue bike in the photo on when I'm chasing alone on the run up), when Pete Wedge attacked starting the third. The group of four of us was back together pretty much ending the third lap, but the moment had come where I could not get clipped in at all at the top of the hard run up. Thus, the gap opened pretty severely and then a lap of the course on a borrowed bike didn't help the situation either.

After that I knew the race was pretty much over, since I could also tell that my legs were not 100% (which I don't know how to explain) and wouldn't be good enough to claw back the time lost. I went hard anyways in case of any sudden miraculous change of fortunes, but knew it was over partway into the last lap.

So, experience proved to be the deciding factor on the day, with seasoned Euro-cross-stud Wedge pulling away for the win, and long time Missing In Action Carter Hovey taking third. Bike changes were critical, and they did it right. I ended up 4th

Given different pit bike circumstances, could I have won with less than 100% legs anyway....maybe, maybe not. Did I learn another harsh bike racing lesson the hard way (like last year)....oh yeah, definitely. I'm still psyched to do a few more races (maybe a couple Supercups in the US) before going to Europe in December, so that's a good sign.

So, thanks for the support and sorry to disappoint. I'm choked, but I'll get over it. Sure woulda been nice to have the jersey in Europe though, eh?

Biker Banquet - Ottawa

Build it and they will come.

This years Biker Banquet, held at Camp Fortune set a new mark. Just over 200 attended the 9th annual season ending celebration. Guest speaker -Super Star Triathlete- Sharon Donnelly helped us BridgeTheGap between the cycling communities in the National Capital region. Mountain bikers, time trailist, triathletes,roadies, and commuters gathered for the annual feast and fest. Rider of the year went to the tear filled 2-time world champion, Bill Hurley. Dream seasons don't get much dreamier (except had he beat Daniel Belilse to win the Elgin Street Classic). Most promising Espoir went to Ontario jr road champ, Colin Burn. BridgeTheGap awards go to those who have helped build the sport and this years winners were: Mike Collingwood. Ian Austen, Jean Marc Grandmaitre, Lionel Saurette, Serge Boudreau and Suzan Bouchard.

Corporate Supporters were acknowledged to: Kris Hatashita Optimum Technologies, Alan McCafferty e-Gazzelle.Inc, Ken Parker Sirius Consultants.

Nadia's Choice Awards, for support above and beyond the call of duty went to Annie Letourneau (aka mrs Bill Hurley) and Dave Rudnicki(aka Mr Sharon Donnelly).

All these people have to come together to have the sport thrive. Thanks very much.

All this was in support of the Fire Relief Fund set up to help James Brooks of Bike Leather rebuild his beautiful log home after a tragic fire. Over $3000 was raised.

The night was capped off by the spectacular show put on by the Kareoke King -Julian Hine and the master DJ himself, Lucas Curran. Julian proved once again that he is a most interesting specimen - part Eddy Merckx/part pee wee hermann/part Iggy POP. "Put that guy in the movies..for #@%*#% sake"

Mark the first Saturday in November, 2001, for the 10th Annual Special Edition.

Kim Davidge to Saturn
(courtesy Piers Davidge)

Kim is proud to announce that she will be riding for Saturn in 2001.

She is currently teaching grade 7 in Halton. She will attend training camp in January and will ride Redlands. After that, she will ride all major one day races in America until June. After that she will ride all of the stage races in North America.

Saturn is happy to help Kim acheive both her cycling goals and her teaching goals and have allowed her a very good racing schedule.

Kim is currently racing cycloX in order to keep fit, in fact she recently won a cross race in NY state.


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