Canadian Cyclist


December 7/97 22:39 pm - World Cup, Jackson Wins, Vote

Posted by Editor on 12/7/97

World Cups for `99? The Canadian Cycling Association has forwarded two bids to the UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) for mountain bike World Cups in 1999 - Whistler (downhill) and Mont Ste Anne (cross-country and downhill). One insider suggests that the chances are „pretty good‰ that at least one will get picked. The UCI releases its decision in late January. Another Canadian Award Velonews has selected Canadian road racer Linda Jackson as their North American Female Cyclist of the Year. Jackson, winner of the Tour de l‚Aude this past season, second in the Giro and third in the Tour Feminin, races for the Saeco-Cannondale team, and has only been racing at the elite level since 1992, when she won the bronze medal at the Canadian road nationals - a complete unknown at the time. Since then, the former banker has won multiple national titles and a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games, not to mention a bronze last year at the World‚s. Linda is one of the favourites in our Reader‚s Choice voting for top Canadian rider. One of the amusing aspects to the Velonews Awards, was the description of mountain biker Kirk Molday (up for North American Male Cyclist of the Year) as a newly minted U.S. citizen. Sorry people, Kirk has always had dual citizenship, but until now (actually, until December 31st) he has raced with a Canadian licence. What will change in the New Year is that he will take out a U.S. licence and race as an American - this will presumably open up more sponsorship opportunities for him, since the U.S. is starved for top male riders. Vote! You have less than 48 hours left to vote for your choice of top Canadian riders of the year - male and female. The contest closes at 8:00 pm EST on Tuesday, December 9th, so VOTE now!


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