Canadian Cyclist


November 9/00 8:28 am - Personal Notice, Cycling Celebration, Mazur, Server Updates

Posted by Editor on 11/9/00

Personal Notice

Due to deaths in the family, posting of news, classifieds, etc. will be somewhat more sporadic than usual. We appreciate your patience and, to those who have contacted us with messages of support, thank you.

Editor & Editoress

Cycling Celebration

Over 50% of the tickets are now sold to our party honouring Canada's cycling Olympians. To get your tickets for the November 18th event click on the 'A Cycling Celebration' link at the top of the page. (Note: if you have registered within the last 24 hours, do not worry, you have not received confirmation because of the above noted situation. We will be dealing with the registrations in the system on Saturday).

Mazur Update

From the Kissena team we have received a notification that Peter Mazur has NOT signed with a Swiss squad as previously noted. We are awaiting clarification on his situation.

Site Access

You may have noted access problems over the last few days. This has been due to both higher than anticipated volume of traffic, and the fact that we are switching to a new, faster server. The switch has been pretty much completed at this point, and most of the problems you (our readers) have been experiencing over the past few months should be over. We will still be tidying up loose ends over the next week or so, but you should experience faster connections, no 'File Not Found' messages, and no broken icons. We thank you for your patience during our upgrades. If you do experience any problems with connecting, please let us know so that we can fix it.


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