Canadian Cyclist


August 18/17 15:39 pm - Nominations Open for Cycling Canada Board & Committee Positions

Posted by Editor on 08/18/17

Cycling Canada is pleased to announce that it is again time for elections to our Board of Directors and our Committees (High Performance, Events, Officials). This year, there are three (3) Board positions plus Board President, and two (2) positions on each Committee.

Cycling Canada is coming off of a high from the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics performances. We have opportunities ahead of us that can help grow the support for cycling IN Canada and help feed our journey to high level international performances. From this exciting position, we want to reach out to the broad base of cyclists in Canada to ensure that everyone is aware of our elections this year. We want to ensure all voices are heard and represented.

"More than ever, our future is bright and with your help working together toward a common goal has never looked so good," says Pierre Lafontaine, CEO of Cycling Canada.

Some of the possible skills and experience that would be very helpful for positions on the Board and on certain Committees include: Legal, Finance, Human Resources and Events Activation. Revenue Generation and Fundraising is also an skill we always looking for, since we are always looking for more sources of revenues to help our programs and to possibly help feed some of those funds to our provincial partners.

Hannah Parish, Board member and Chair of the Nominations Committee, urges members of the cycling community to get involved: "Volunteering for Cycling Canada is one of the most fulfilling experiences I have had in the past five years. We are looking for people with diverse skills to join us on the Board and various Committees. Come have your voice heard and make a difference in cycling in this country!"

Forms (links to download below) and resumes can be e-mailed to anyone on the Nominations Committee (included on the forms). Please note the due dates - September 12th for Board and October 6th for Committees. For any questions, please reach out to Pierre (;) or Hannah (

Nomination Forms

Board and President




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