Canadian Cyclist


December 1/00 7:57 am - Coaching Course, Classifieds, Springbank, Store, Birthdays

Posted by Editor on 12/1/00

Technical Coaching Course

It is now the last chance to register for the Level 3 Technical Cycling Course, Dec 15-18, 2000 , to be held in Calgary, Alberta. Contact the CCA by Monday, December 4th to register. (613) 248-1353, or


The new Classifieds seems to be working well, with over 250 For Sale and Wanted items already listed (in about 10 days). We have made one modification - the most current postings are at the top of each section, with older ones further down.

Springbank Road Race - Ontario

Many people have been asking me whether the course for the Annual Springbank Road Race held in London, Ontario will be the same as the 2000 Test Event for the Canada Summer Games or the traditional race format, as held in previous years. The answer to this question is that the Annual Springbank Road Race will revert back to its traditional location in the Park.

Lori Pol
2001 Canada Summer Games - Assistant Sport Leader Cycling

Site Update

We have pretty much completed the upgrades to our server/bandwidth situation. We apologize for those who experienced the frustrations of 'File Not Found' and other messages. Our new bandwidth is nearly 7 times that of before, plus the software conflicts we had before should now be eliminated. The final problem - ad server bottlenecks - is scheduled to be fixed in the next few weeks, and that should put us in good shape going into 2001. However, if you are experiencing problems of any nature, please let us know -

We have a number of new services in development (see next item), however, we would also like to hear from you about what you would like to see add to the site. Send us an e-mail at the address above.

New CC Store

We wanted to give you advance warning - the CC Store has been undergoing a drastic overhaul, and will relaunch early next week in a new format. The store will then offer many new products (150+ to start), including a Blowout section with sell-offs from manufacturers and distributors. (Note: you can still go to the older CC Store by clicking on the button in the upper left corner until the new one launches)

Happy Birthday To...

Ruedi Schnyder (today) and Peter Mazur (tomorrow).


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